Oh, gross. I haven’t seen many videos of him (especially lately) so I guess I hadn’t seen enough of his stuff for his personality to come through.
Oh, gross. I haven’t seen many videos of him (especially lately) so I guess I hadn’t seen enough of his stuff for his personality to come through.
Why is Musk mad at AsmonGold? Did he dunk on Elon for paying others to play his account?
I just… Fail to see the reason Elon should dedicate his time to fighting with a neet shut in. Asmon turned off donations on his stream. He doesn’t care about money, political influence, or bathing. Just games. What possible gain would there be in trying to mess with him? The richest person to have ever existed in history, in a slap fight with a dude that lives in a dirty hovel? It almost sounds like trying to fight Diogenes.
And exposing his editors isn’t the “gotcha” you think it is. They just protect him from YouTube’s crappy rules.
It sure seems like a cool accessibility tool, but he spent the whole time taking about why he did it, and magnets, that it glosses over the “how does it work?” Part that really matters. It’s not just a keyboard, so I’m sure there’s more to it. I’m hoping he has other videos that explain the concept.
IDK, that could be different. I bought some surfaces ~2 years ago that apparently aren’t capable of upgrading to 11. They’re perfectly usable, so I’ll have to put Linux on them. I think anyone that’s capable will find that they have to do that, or throw out perfectly good hardware to buy the next shiny thing.
The only problem is I did switch my laptop to Ubuntu back in the day to avoid W7. Or maybe to was 10? All I did was stream video, like Netflix, on it. Turns out, Netflix wouldn’t run because they locked it down to specific OSes. WINE could run it, with a horrible stutter. So I had to dual boot, then I switched to a VM of Windows in Linux, which ended up just being another step to get to stream a movie. Coupled with hours of driver problems to solve, it just wasn’t worth the hassle.
Now, it’s a matter of “can I stream?” Because otherwise, they’re e-waste. I really hope they can, because while I’ll have to keep my gaming PC on w11, my htpc and tablets I will gladly switch.
I can’t imagine I’m alone. If people can get their programs out of the walled garden of Microsoft, I think they will. Not so much new features, but that they can just do what they always do. We’re creatures of habit. We probably won’t see adoption in high numbers, but more than before.
Also, it’s entirely possible I’ll have to eat these words if streaming still doesn’t work right.
Are those only usable with credit cards? That would suck. Unless they take prepaid gift cards, then he would’ve had to buy one on the black market or something to be in the clear.
One of the first news reports said the cops have him on video at a Starbucks just prior, so he left “forensic evidence” plus his face on camera.
IF that’s true, they might get him. Anyone can buy a silencer with the right ATF background checks, so if he bought it legally, they’d likely have his prints.
If he wasn’t at Starbucks, or had a mask, or wore gloves, he’s in the clear.
Subsonic rounds with a silencer don’t necessarily short stroke the gun, but he looks like he practiced firing in that condition a lot. If he did indeed catch the casings, there won’t be a lot to catch him on. Maybe if he walks to a car later.
If the cops are right, they’ll catch him. If they’re wrong, I agree he won’t get caught.
I get things like “enlightenment”, etc. But the average person (at least in the US) that isn’t already Catholic has a strong possibility of already being told they aren’t real Christians, and isn’t going to know or care about etymology, and will assume it’s Lucifer. They could call the main character Satin after the cloth and it’s have the same effect, even though they aren’t related.
It’s simple word association. I’m aware of the Latin translations. I’m also aware that most people are not going to think about it too long, and immediately going to jump to conclusions. They also believe in Bigfoot. What end of the Bell curve are we talking about, here?
I dunno, he’s a serial killer trying to remake the world by looking everyone he doesn’t like and it’s pretty mainstream.
Even without that, drawing attention to Light seems weird. Could’ve been “Peace”, “Faith”, or “Love” or whatever.
This is just 12 years of Catholic school talking, but it’s a strange name to pick that ties to a lot of less than desirable stuff.
So they choose Luce, so close to Lucifer, and they expect the Internet to NOT bring it up? There’s Lucy, Daughter of the Devil on Cartoon Network for shit’s sake.
Nevermind the connections to Death Note, a far more popular anime about Light Yagami, and the subtle connections between his name and Lucifer the Lightbringer.
This seems so much worse on it’s face, even if you leave out the undertones of children’s abuse by the church and Rule 34 that will come out (which are worse, but the church keeps trying to bury it)
I’m speaking mainly of the distrust against the public having access for fear that we’d abuse it and not give them a cut. We can’t have access to these things now, but we used to. Regardless of form, regardless of piracy.
It’s more of a move to restrict ownership when you make a purchase, that has a farther reach than just games. I could see this being applied to cars, houses, etc. In that you only rent a license, and don’t actually own anything. I see this as just a first step, and the logic they use to justify it doesn’t make sense.
We used to rent these games from Blockbuster Video! On DVD when we had DVD burners and little to no drm! How did it suddenly not become acceptable?
I bought a cheap Vizio, and never connected it or let it connect to anything. All it does is power on, and go to HDMI-1. My pc it connects to does everything else.
If you’re concerned about privacy on your tv, I would recommend migrating away from Roku as well.
Walmart.com didn’t work for me on FF for about a week, and it did work on edge and chrome (still broken on FF when I disabled all my add ons). However, they fixed it and it works now. I think it was just a problem with the build of the website, and wasn’t intentional because it definitely works now.
I think that’s what’s more likely - temp problems that could affect any browser until their web dev fixes it. Not anything malicious like intentionally blocking a browser.
And then, it’s just Walmart. It’s nothing that really mattered.
To add to that, I very much doubt any big company tests and verifies anything anymore.
Boeing ships planes with missing bolts and proper software, Crowdstrike pushes updates with no testing, we’ve all seen Microsoft push updates that break stuff because there’s no testing, and that’s just what comes to mind.
That’s how they maximize profits - get rid of testing environments, do minimal checks, and have the one guy doing 3 jobs at once just push it to production.
I’ve been in IT for the banking industry for over a decade and I promise you, we’re all a missed cup of coffee or a comma away from another massive outage due to a program or network misconfig.
As long as business culture is set to maximize profits for one quarter, I wouldn’t trust a sales website about “verification” or “disaster recovery backups” any more than I trust a used car salesman.
That goes for Crowdstrike, but also all of their competitors.
The problem is you remember eating it as a kid. Drinking lots of Coke/Pepsi/mountain dew, hostess cakes, and all that other over flavored, ultra processed food covered with sugar and salt.
Now, as you’ve grown, your taste buds aren’t used to the barrage and it’s just too much to enjoy the nostalgia. Probably because they’ve steadily increased the additives to make it more appealing to an increasingly desensitized palette.
I feel the same way. I eat much healthier, feel better, and save nostalgia for movies instead of food.
I’m actually surprised this is an unpopular opinion. I guess a lot of people here are early 20s? It’s easier to get back into the processed enjoyment mode then, maybe.
I certainly hope that now he, as Kevin Bacon, walks around telling strangers he loves them. Since now he knows how much it sucks to be a nobody.
It died in my area when they dropped the amount of spawn nodes to the point where you couldn’t really walk around. You had to drive pretty far at that point, and that kill let most people’s enthusiasm.
I don’t know if it was complaints by local businesses or what, but after that I never saw large groups walking around again.
I have a great business idea - sell a roku-like device for half the price and a .99 cent subscription fee. Then when I’ve captured the market I force them to accept draconian new terms that cost way more or I brick the device. By then it’s too late and I can suck all the money out of it from the people that can’t switch.
And if they don’t like it? Too bad; they signed away their rights to sue.
It’s a foolproof plan! As long as I don’t get shot in the street but justifiably angry customers.
Holy shit, he actually did it! Incredible, he must’ve read my Lemmy post!
Seriously though, that was a long time coming. Leonard is an old, old man. At least he gets to die in freedom.