That’s how git works. Every file and subfolder under the repo’s root folder belongs to the repo.
That’s how git works. Every file and subfolder under the repo’s root folder belongs to the repo.
If you are wondering why your cookies come out different every time you bake, it isn’t due to variance of temperature and humidity – IT IS BECAUSE YOU ARE USING WILDLY DIFFERENT AMOUNTS OF FLOUR.
And yes you ducking can tell the difference between a batch of cookies where the flour is weighed vs scooped.
You can’t accurately measure flour by volume. The amount you get in a scoop will vary depending on how compressed it is. You weigh flour to remove that variance, which can be far greater than 5%. Don’t believe me? Put a cup of flour in a measuring cup, then start pressing on it to pack it (you won’t have anywhere near a cup anymore). Controlling for flour density (ie: consistently measure by volume) is nearly impossible.
Brown sugar is similar but easier to manage (most recipes tell you to use packed measures instead of scooping).
Things like white sugar, sure – scoop away.
If this is how he felt the last year, he’s just as culpable as all of the other fucks who stayed home and didn’t vote. Fuck him and his Monday morning quarterbacking.
They won’t kill them. They’ll let them die of “natural” causes (disease+starvation).
They’re supposed to be good a transformation tasks. Language translation, create x in the style of y, replicate a pattern, etc. LLMs are outstandingly good at language transformer tasks.
Using an llm as a fact generating chatbot is actually a misuse. But they were trained on such a large dataset and have such a large number of parameters (175 billion!?) that they passably perform in that role… which is, at its core, to fill in a call+response pattern in a conversation.
At a fundamental level it will never ever generate factually correct answers 100% of the time. That it generates correct answers > 50% of the time is actually quite a marvel.
m68k assembly was my favorite back in the day.
This isn’t going to hurt Google’s antitrust cases at all… Noooo sir.
They also won’t be able to tell you if Microsoft has plans to deport you to Mars.
The lite, being the cheapest model in that line, unsurprisingly only supports 2x2 mimo. Getting 600mbps from that is actually really good, but given net bandwidth is nearly identical to what is available for wifi5 I’m not surprised you didn’t see much of a difference.
An ap with 4x4 mimo would substantially outpace your wifi 5 router.
They’re is so much wrong here I don’t know where to start.
get a better wifi 6ap. You should be getting about 2x the bandwidth. I get about 900mbps on my 5 year old cell phone sitting on the couch.
Wi-Fi 7 smaller width channels to avoid interference. Pretty much everything you’ve said here is backwards/wrong and i encourage you to do some learning on your own.
Yes, you can legally make derivative works, but without license, it has to be fair use. In this case, where not only did they use one whole work in its entirety, they likely scraped thousands of whole NYT articles.
Scraping is the same as reading, not reproducing. That isn’t a copyright violation.
Ignoring the content of the words, they probably spaced it out like that so they could still see out the rear view mirror.
I can’t be the only one disappointed by the lack of an order by clause after being told the list was being sorted (twice!)…
That whooshing sound, in case you were curious, was the point sailing right over your head.
This is how to tell someone you haven’t checked grocery prices lately without actually telling them you haven’t checked grocery prices lately. A box of mediocre pasta alone is going to cost you $1.75. A jar of Preggo will run you another 2.50. So 4.25 for an I hate life spaghetti and marinara meal.
The sauce they make probably doesn’t come out of a jar of reconstituted tomato paste and dried seasonings either.
If you buy decent ingredients you are looking at $3 for the pasta and $9 for the sauce. Or $12 for an “ok for a home cook” spaghetti meal with no protein.
Restaurant serving sizes (for better or worse) are usually 2x+ larger than you would serve at home. Rent isn’t free for the restaurant either. Or labor. Or utilities. Or equipment. Etc. General rule of thumb is that a restaurant needs to charge 3x raw food costs to cover expenses.
So your I hate life pasta would need to be priced at $6.50 and your ok for home but not something I would be happy with getting at a restaurant pasta would need to be priced at $18.
If by simple you mean “can’t count from 1 to 10 in a loop” and by elegant you mean “easier to understand than a one line perl script” then sure…
That’s because it is absolutely terrible. It is the first serious/real “language” I have encountered since Cobol where indent level has functional meaning. This is not good company to be in.
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Think different!
There is still a finite amount of time per day. Any amount of time spent on this is less they have available for everything else.