I aim to be more human. I aim to be less apathetic as a human. Apathy grows, like a tree, and I aim to prune my own.

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • I’ve been using it for almost a year now.

    It… works well enough. I really have no complaints, tho it does have some cookies, which I could do without (I don’t care to track how many trees I’ve contributed to planting, and I’d like a no tracking option) but that’s a pretty small complaint when I clear cookies frequently anyway. If you use ghostery or some other extension that auto-rejects cookies and randomizes data for those it can’t reject, you’ll be fine.

    The sponsored listings are clearly labeled, the results typically come up fine. There do seem to be more sponsored results than there used to be, though, so… something to be aware of.

    It’s not perfect but it’s a lot better than google, and they use the money for trees (I did look into that claim and it’s true as far as I can tell)

  • The only charity I participate in is donating food and toys to animal shelters. It’s somewhat self-serving, as I donate foods and toys my pets don’t like/wont use. But all the same, I’ve donated thousands worth this way.

    I like thrift shops, but I don’t really consider resale to be charity even if proceeds are used for charity (that aspect isn’t relevant to me). I used to donate more to stuff but I just feel used now… why do you need my $5, which I also need, when you have 20 million other dollars for stuff?

    I’m firmly of the opinion, as you are, that charity directed at supporting humans shouldn’t exist because the government (either local or national) should be handling it. The fact that that isn’t the case says a lot about us as a society.

    Also fun runs specifically should be outright banned. It’s just a bunch of pretentious healthy assholes blocking traffic all day every weekend because there’s fucking always a fun run somewhere. “I know, let’s support some dispersed group by massively inconveniencing everyone around us, because that makes us good people!!” Fuck you. Go exercise on your own street. Nobody needs to see you doing it.

  • how does pop handle touchscreen devices, do you know? The only machine I have left that I’d install something different on is my laptop, and its touchscreen but fully discretionary. The others are a server which I’m not touching because PITA, and a shitty ram-deficient thing I use for watching Plex in my bedroom, but it doesn’t run anything well at all for whatever reason - I tried antixlinux, mint, and a few other lightweight distros, and they all ran like shit. Probably failing hardware, idk.

    Ubuntu handles touchscreen and hdmi output ok, it seems, but that laptop is still windows for now because idk if I need it to be windows for my next job… I guess I can reinstall it, since keys are hardware encoded now… for that device I don’t -really- need good file management, just compatibility.

    I’ve thought about pop, but never really looked into it because nobody ever, like, recommends it for anything I guess? Like I never hear about it…

  • I honestly wish I liked mint because there’s such a robust community for it, but I really can’t stand it. My first Linux experience a decade back or so was Ubuntu and it felt -right- like android. I liked it very much because it did all the things I needed, and it felt good to use, like something I was familiar with (android!). The power file management was an absolute bonus and I just love it so much. But it’s based on iOS allegedly? I fucking hate iOS on mobile but maybe it’s the macOS? Idk. It’s not at all like iPhone iOS at least.

    And I haven’t found the same experience on any other distro despite trying several, so here’s me back to Ubuntu every time… because it feels good to use.

    And “Ubuntu bad because reasons” and I get that for not me, but I don’t have the energy to figure out how to make Debian do what Ubuntu just already does. And the really niche distros I’ve tried idk how to make work for my needs, as noob.

    At least it isn’t windows…

  • I remember when I was maybe 14, 2001 or so, and my mom forgot to pick me up from wrestling practice after school.

    We lived about 6 miles outside of town, and wrestling is a winter sport, so it was well dark.

    I walked home along the side of the highway (in all black because that’s what I had that day…) after waiting well over an hour and calling several times (no cell phones). My options were to continue to sit in the glass entryway indefinitely or just leave and go home. It took me 3 hours, and when I walked in my parents were shocked that they forgot… not that I made it home safely or that I felt feelings… they were shocked at themselves that they forgot about me. (I wasn’t at that point)

    I mean hell when I was 5-7 I was walking home from school daily, going around suburb town on my bike, and one time around age 6 I got lost for several hours (only a few streets from home, but so windy and confusing I was just lost…) it ended in trauma and an ER visit, but did not actually cause my parents to restrict my movement, when it absolutely should have. It was normal routine stuff back then.

    I’m into parents caring more now, but man if someone had arrested my mother for allowing me freedom I’d… have felt really bad for causing it… that’s also intensely traumatic.

  • Honestly, it’s not even less of a high, even if you use medically/heavily, it’s just more balanced. When you smoke, a ton of the goodies are combusted anyway, but if you mix you stretch the same stock and the cbd nicely compliments the thc, like old-school weed that topped out at 10%. That was when it was good. Sure you maybe needed more than one hit to be done for the night, but it was a better experience.

    But I’m totally with you about the potency race, it’s the wrong way, and modern weed is very anxious weed. It’s just really strong and out of balance. And it’s just not a good time when you are naturally anxious, which more and more people are…