Is this the guy we blame for the headphone jack removal?
Is this the guy we blame for the headphone jack removal?
Don’t Be Evil.
With all that “creative” powered ai, you’d think they could do a mite better.
I was just looking for the profile sort wondering why it wasn’t there.
It must be moving pretty fast.
I was bored at work one day. I decided to put a nyan cat easter egg in my company’s app. If at the loading progress bar screen you typed NYAN it would turn the progress bar into a rainbow being created by a little nyan cat while playing the nyan cat song. The mp3 (inconspicuously renamed without the extension) doubled our build size. No one batted an eye cause no one paid attention to the build size much.
Fast forward 5 years later, at a different job, I get a phone call from the old boss. Do you happen to know anything about this nyan cat file we found?
I had no idea what he was talking about.
Satisfactory with animal aggro turned off.
Viscera Cleanup Detail
I do not think that word means what you think it means.
Physical products are not the same as digital products. Your suggestions are very unrealistic.
My tax dollars at work‽