Bedroom musician here. I think you’ve summarized the overwhelming majority of musicians beautifully.
It’s not a good career goal, but if that’s why you’re making music you’re doing it for the wrong reasons. I think almost all of us realize this
Bedroom musician here. I think you’ve summarized the overwhelming majority of musicians beautifully.
It’s not a good career goal, but if that’s why you’re making music you’re doing it for the wrong reasons. I think almost all of us realize this
If people didn’t like making music they wouldn’t do it. It’s not like doing laundry. I’d say this is true for basically any artistic endeavor.
Even the popstars turning out the most generic trash you’ve ever heard, I’m sure they still enjoy it
I WISH signal was ubiquitous. Half of my friends are still using Facebook Messenger so I still have to resort to using SMS for them
As a fellow music producer, you definitely don’t need a discrete graphics card if this machine is purely for music production. Definitely better off spending that money on an audio interface and some studio monitors, or some plugins
I have quite an extensive history of scraping web sites for various data over the years, I’d be happy to help you out but I can’t really know how to help without knowing what website your trying to scrape, different sites have their own challenges (maybe behind a login, or using JavaScript to load content - in which case a http response won’t give you what you’re after, or any number of things really).
If you give me a link to a book you want to download as an example I can take a look and help guide you through it
Our just play games on Linux. Wine/proton is shockingly good. I’ve never had an issue
Reaper works great on mint. Plus yabridge to use your windows plugins.
Haven’t looked much into the breach, but probably the biggest issue is passwords. If unencrypted, and a user uses the same generic password for their email or bank or whatever, that possess a serious concern.
This highlights the importance of not reusing passwords
Edit: looks like passwords were hashed with bcrypt, which is really quite excellent. Very unlikely anybody is getting actual passwords from this leak.
If this was true, you’d use an ad blocker, and donate directly to your favorite content creators. They’d see way more money, and you wouldn’t be supporting an evil organization.
They’d have more freedom to switch platforms as their revenue isn’t directly tied to youtube, but rather their viewers. Freedom to switch platforms gives youtube incentive to run a better site and charge a more reasonable fee for premium features.
But this isn’t what you’re doing. You’re supporting youtube directly and supporting all their business practices in the process
JBL bar series of soundbars are shockingly good for the price. I avoided soundbars for the longest time because I didn’t trust it would be up to my standards but I’m very happy with mine.
As for your record player, I’m sure you’re probably aware but it’s a very, very low-end record player. Basically toy level. I don’t say this to insult you but so you don’t get your hopes up on records sounding good on it. If you want good audio from records, next on your list should be upgrading to a nice turntable. Audio technica makes cheap turntables that are decent.
Totally in the same boat. Less diversity and less content, but I don’t mind that. I like that I can can run out of content and it’s a nice reminder I’ve probably been on my phone too much and should do something else with my time. Using Lemmy feels healthier than using Reddit.
Why spend several hours with friends when you could spend an hour alone on a jet