I’m marking this thread as “No Reply”
Take that, voters.
I’m marking this thread as “No Reply”
Take that, voters.
NYT is and always has been a pro-violence mouthpiece for capital.
They’ve accidentally done some good journalism here and there but I’m hard pressed to find it right now.
Is your upright the one with all the little compartments? That one looked to me like the most efficient upright design I’ve ever seen.
They’re pissy cause it being open source and more efficient means that it’s gonna be more cost effective for people to use. Which is real bad if your company overcommitted to the slop and needs to recover losses.
I bought a protectli awhile back. Mines 4 port 2.5 gbps nics, and it runs opnsense out the box.
You should take a look at their sfp+ model, if I were in your shoes that’s what I’d be looking at. It’s all in one, works nicely, is incredibly customizable, and is lower power usage than basically anything you’ll build yourself.
I use that for my router/firewall, then I use an off lease dell thin client to run my home assistant server, and a standard off the shelf buffalo nas. If you’re into immich, I’ll recommend jellyfin over Plex. I used it for years but they started collecting more data, sticking their own junk in etc. Jellyfin is open source and works great.
$100k bond.
They’re gonna destroy this woman because they’re fucking her over and she dared to imply she could fight back.
The NYT only put the Holocaust on the front page 26 times when it was happening. Only 6 of those times were Jewish people identified as primary victims.
They have never cared about actual news, only manufacturing consent.
Well… If you’re fucked no matter what you do consequences become meaningless.
A lot of people seem to be realizing that the only reason any of this “works” is because we all kind of just agree to follow the rules more or less. When following the rules results in the same thing as doing whatever you wanted to anyway, there’s a disincentive to adhere to the rules.
Wew. Things getting spicy.
If only she’d gone harder right.
Did David Duke endorse her?
What a missed opportunity.
We’re semi-rural (multi acre lots often with houses set almost at the back of lots), this was my first Halloween out here, I was following the kids with a car cause it was cold and snowy. But apparently the other parents in the neighborhood all hang out and set up a flatbed trailer with a fire pit, lawn chairs, and beer just being hauled around by a UTV. I need to learn how to make friends as an adult.
Honestly it’s baffling. They wouldn’t have even had to actually do anything. They could have just let a Palestinian-American come up and say generic “we have to do better for the people of Gaza and the people of the world” type of shit and they would have even said that they endorsed Kamala. That’s it, and a shitload of people would have been at least able to lie to themselves and say “ok, she’ll do something different.” But they couldn’t even be asked to go through the motions this time.
It’s such fucking smooth brained reactionary shit, you don’t get to act like Republicans because Republicans will never vote for you, the ones that will are only ever going to do it to not vote for the current fascist, and their policy led to him.
I guess maybe the taste of David Frum’s approval is sweeter than winning an election.
I startled my dogs laughing at that last bit.
Last time I dealt with Matlab much was like fifteen years ago when I was helping some people using it for quick interpretation of data. We just kept finding bugs that caused calculation errors (which they fixed pretty quickly TBF) and it was so much slower than any other general programming language we tried. It could be way better now, I wouldn’t know, I haven’t had call to use it since… A circuit simulation class?
In all reality it’s fine for what it does, just like every other language. It’s another tool in the box that’s most useful for a certain set of problems.
Matlab shouldn’t, in my opinion, be used to construct a GUI, or generally be used for any sort of production code. Perfectly fine as a research tool though.
But I digress, my overall point is a meaningless semantic joke. The only people who will get bent out of shape about splitting hairs between “scripting” and “programming” are all people who belong in this community.
Oh it shouldn’t, seeing as how it’s a scripting language and not actually for programming lol
Just pull the trigger, we both know how this ends.
Start all the businesses with AI prompts! Run all the businesses with AI!
Even accidentally destroying capitalism is a good deed.
Is it not safe to expose externally with ssl yet?
I’ve still got my old Anova, Bluetooth one. I don’t even use the app ever, I can set it up with the wheel and buttons. Still works great after like 5+ years. That said, I won’t be recommending them to anyone going forward.
“Predatory Cabal”
“Price Fixing”
Landlords are literally rent-seeking, they provide no real economic value to society.
At best they are opportunistic parasites.
Democrats hated “the gays” too until like 15 years ago.
It’s the same as rainbow corporatism. It’s all a facade used for political expediency. It’s never actually about human rights. Both parties deserve the fates they get. Unfortunately they’ll do everything they can to take us down with them.