The irony of posting this meme with a title telling other people how to have fun is just perfect.
The irony of posting this meme with a title telling other people how to have fun is just perfect.
The whistles go woooooo!
Notice how none of your examples describe the privileged majority the way “cis” does? Give us a slur that includes 98% of the population and you might have a valid point.
Let me guess, they used existing footage and reports as training data, and it produced an incredibly racist ai model that routinely ignores police misconduct. They’ll spend a couple years working on bandaids for the problem while police departments across the country use the original model to create reports and use the “unbiased ai reports” as an excuse to hide the raw footage.
Just wanted to add, if you finish step 6 with a bit of excess bag collected on the outside of the bin fold it back flat against the outside of the bin and roll the top of the bag down over it a few times. Do it tightly and it holds fairly well without having to pull the drawstring until you take the bag out.
They’ll indoctrinate other people’s children into their religion too, if they get the chance.
My parents loved reminding me of this. Now I have debilitating social anxiety.
They’re looking for a “fuck you” to the US government more than they’re looking for a new social media. Maybe it will stick as a popular platform, but I suspect it was chosen more for its name and ties to the CCP than any actual features.