So he shit in some bread, then drove or carried it around to give to a homeless guy to throw away? Dudes mentally unstable
So he shit in some bread, then drove or carried it around to give to a homeless guy to throw away? Dudes mentally unstable
Reminds me of “This is the End.”
It’s a known scam usually through some guise of computer repair or a trusted company, but Occam’s Razor would dictate that this is not a scam simply because who would bother would 23 cents?
Or maybe that’s the scam? It’s such a low ball amount that 10k+ clients wouldn’t even question it.
This is a typical scam, convince the victim you refunded them too much, and ask for the difference back. Only thing is they never refunded you in the first place. They just use the inspect tool to edit your balance client side
Asus hacker: I’m in
I heard that saying fuck over and over again will get you to a real person
Apex legends ran around 80 fps upscaled from 1080 to 1440p on win 10.
On Linux it ran at 120 fps + on native 1440p and eliminated the majority of stuttering
That would require Apple wisdom
And they proved it was a bait and switch
That means “if sales start dropping we might change something”
I live where there’s 1 isp and 10 mobile/satellite providers
I guess I’m playing different games because I’ve been on Steam like 14 years and have only seen a handful of issues, all reported and banned.
Yelp hasn’t been a reliable or trusted site since it began.
Yep. I played Apex Legends since day one. About 2 years ago I discovered that on PopOS, it ran at 1440p, no upscaling, and was 20 to 25% faster with almost zero stutter.
It was a huge jump in stability and made the game enjoyable to play.
I quit playing about a year ago, but I will never go back to playing it on windows. So I guess that means I can no longer play Apex.
Didn’t he just donate 75 mil towards fascism? But can’t pay his bills…
And if the page is set to no index and no robots, the only record of any change could be client side only
And the URL text can be changed at any time
Because ad blocker works. I basically only use chrome for Gmail now and work stuff. Eventually I’ll use it for everything
What words mean?