Same, real debrid or premiumize on kodi makes downloading mostly unnecessary. Occasionally I get something a bit niche I need to hunt down on torrent or Usenet, very rarely.
Same, real debrid or premiumize on kodi makes downloading mostly unnecessary. Occasionally I get something a bit niche I need to hunt down on torrent or Usenet, very rarely.
Same, old laptop 8th gen Intel i7, TPU, Hass and multiple other dockers including wyze bridge with 6 cheap wyze cameras.
Fair enough, I don’t notice a significant overhead but then a lot of information is inferred by patterns , project structures etc etc
Check out home assistant.
Thanks, that’s helpful info for me.
Okay thanks, interesting. And where do lemmygrad and hexbear sit on that axis? I haven’t really thought about communism much since I was at uni in the late 90s and it was all triumphantly end of history type thinking. Suddenly arrive here and have hexbear and lemmygrad messages in my feed .
Out of interest, within pro communist communities is there a similar view of fake news taken on western coverage of the Uighar population?
It depends on how much regression testing is in place to test that old and refactored code behaviours have the same outputs, and how much budget there is for writing this tests.
For old financial systems for example, the answer is often to repeat the code again, as there’s likely to be little tests to confirm existing behaviour and writing tests around very complex business domains is prohibitively expensive.
I stream via debrid now directly on Kodi, works really well and nice and lightweight. Nice not to be storing TBs of video anymore.
What add on do you use on kodi out of interest. I’ve been on Ezra for a couple of years.