Yes, imminent domain. You don’t own land you only lease it from the government.
Yes, imminent domain. You don’t own land you only lease it from the government.
In most cases, local governments use direct cremation to dispose of unclaimed bodies and the cremains are stored for a set period of time. After being stored the cremains may be scattered. The Cremation Society of North America has estimated that there are currently 2 million unclaimed cremated remains in the U.S.
Some counties elect to bury unclaimed bodies. Typically, the body is buried in an unmarked grave that is county-owned. If a family member later comes forward the body may be exhumed upon request.
Other states allow for unclaimed bodies to be donated for medical science. There are also state laws that allow for the unclaimed bodies of veterans to be buried by third party groups.
Source: Direct Cremation
This is for unclaimed bodies, if your body is claimed by your family then the cost is taken out of your estate or your family have to pay for it.
You wish it was free, not on your life bud.
Ehh, does this post really add anything? They just said a thing is better than another thing but specified no reason why, how, or by what criteria. It’s just a simple rage bait.
How is dairy milk, which 65% of the human population is unable to drink easily due to lactose intolerance, better than almond milk which only about 10% of people are allergic to?
Or is what you’re saying here “I like the taste of dairy milk more than nut or soy milks” and your being overly dramatic?
Having made many models that were only slightly better than a coin toss, that’s really not bad. Especially since that’s not even their primary design goal.
The paradox of tolerance states that if a society is tolerant without limit, its ability to be tolerant is eventually ceased or destroyed by the intolerant. Karl Popper described it as the seemingly self-contradictory idea that in order to maintain a tolerant society, the society must retain the right to be intolerant of intolerance
You don’t need to see someone who’s incredibly disrespectful in order to know what someone who is respectful is. Similarly, you don’t need to know hate to know love. This post was framed as saying without hate and malice people could not know respect and compassion. That entire premise is fundamentally flawed as people can know good things and bad things without having experienced the other.
You can know the color red without having ever seen the color blue. This is a false dichotomy
Do they? Have they ever? Have you ever even worked any service position?
If you had I doubt you would find them good for anything but shitty tips, racial slurs, outrageous demands, and the whole heard belief that the entire world revolves around themselves.
Bless the Maker and His sweetness.
Bless the coming and going of Him.
May His passage cleanse the world.
May He keep the world for His people.
You might have dropped this (◠‿・)—“,”
I’m interested in kink, not crime.
Are there any spicier instances yet
NSFW content is hidden by default, you need to view it with an account that allows NSFW content to see the porn. There is a lot, both in quantity and variety
If a cop can take your property with no consequences and you will be arrested or killed if you defend yourself and your property, then what the law says doesn’t matter as the defacto state of reality isn’t concerned with such petty things as laws.