Terminator was almost correct. The real terminator will be Arnie walking around in a fursuit.
I’ll be back. UwU
Terminator was almost correct. The real terminator will be Arnie walking around in a fursuit.
I’ll be back. UwU
At least it asked politely.
By design, AI is only able to regurgitate the info it’s been trained on in a slightly different pattern. So I’m not sure how this is supposed to work out.
I have a better proposal for you, Lionsgate: cut the CEO and all their cronies. I’m pretty sure you’ll save a lot more money that way, while keeping the people who actually produce the stuff that makes you money.
What a horrible timeline.
Never heard of it, but it sounds like it was a great place. Sad to see it fail against established giants of the internet. I would’ve been interested in trying it out before the end.
I think this is a problem that multiple small realities like this (including Lemmy) are facing. There are people interested in them, but they don’t know them, so they can’t join.
Damn, thanks for letting me know. I’ve been using the Simple suite for years and even bought some of them because I wanted to reward the developer. I’m saddened by the news of the acquisition. I’ll swap them with the new fork.
Dude, no one here is shocked or angry. There are just normal people calmly discussing ways to bypass yet another attempt from Google to stop AdBlockers. If anything, you’re the guy who spent the entire day yesterday screeching at people in another thread who don’t want to pay for YT Premium, and is still doing the same thing now, in a community dedicated to piracy no less. You just deleted the vast majority of your comments because you were too embarrassed when people called you out for licking the boots of a trillion-dollars corporation and being angry at other people who don’t want to follow your example.
Go touch some grass, it’s free (just like YouTube!).
I’m confused about what you’re trying to say, because none of those are YT alternatives.
TikTok is centered on short videos. Twitch is a platform for streamers, mainly for video game content creators. Curiosity Stream is a platform hosting professional documentaries and science shows, it’s great but it has nothing to do with the amateurish nature of YT content.
All of those cater to a specific niche of YT (YT shorts, video game let’s play, and science channels, respectively), but there’s a huge chunk of content that doesn’t appear on any of those services, but is present and thriving on YT.
Your argument falls flat the moment you realize an alternative to YT doesn’t exist because all these bit corporations have spent years either starving off or buying the competition, and they are now happily enjoying the monopoly they have created.
I don’t expect Google to ever cater to me, and I fully expect them to keep their war going against AdBlock. It’s their job to make more money, after all. But the point is, it’s their job, not mine. I’ll keep doing what I think I rightfully deserve, which is, watch a few videos without the hassle of ads provided by the big corporation that has taken my data without my consent, sold it to the highest bidder, and made a fuckload of money off it.
I’m not a freeloader because Google is already making a profit off me by profiling me. They are just being greedy and asking for more. If you are happy donating your hard-earned money to the trillion-dollars corporation that’s exploiting you, good for you. I am a sane individual and I’d rather put that money to good use. In fact, by donating to the WWF, I’m spending less money yearly than a YT premium subscriber, and I’m making someone happy that deserves it more than Google’s sleazy investors.
Google is already making millions by profiling its users and stealing their data. All these YT changes are not caused by them losing money, but by them not growing enough to please their (multi-millionaires) investors.
(1) I’m not shedding any tears for a corporation that’s big enough to have more money that I’ll ever see in ten lifetimes.
(2) I’m not paying for a “Premium” experience to allow them to keep profiling me (and thus gain more money). They are already gaining money off me, they don’t need my premium subscription.
(3) You should stop arguing in favour of exploitative big corporations that don’t even know you and are probably actively exploiting you in this very moment.
I pirated 90% of the texts I used to write my thesis at university, because those books would have cost me hundreds of euros that I didn’t have.
Fuck you, capitalism.
I live in Italy. The map doesn’t show a single spot below yellow in my entire country.
I’ve never seen a clear sky in my life.
Very cool.
I like Paint for its simplicity, and since I don’t need all the extra bells and whistles most of the time, I’ve never bothered with learning how to use Photoshop or GIMP.
I’ve been using Paint.net for the last few years, but I’ll try the new Paint features as well and compare them to see which one I find better.
I live in Italy. Most of our cities are at least one millennia older than yours. I live in a small town in the middle of nowhere and it’s still a few centuries older than the USA as a whole.
Our cities were definitely not designed with public transit in mind, yet we have a somewhat consistent public transit everywhere (although it could definitely be improved in lots of places, including my town). For example: excluding a small car trip to the nearest train station, I travel to my work place (in Milan) exclusively with public transport.
Why can’t US cities do the same?
I’ve used BitWarden for a few years now and I really like it. I’ve set it up on both my PC and phone browsers, and it does its job well. Never paid anything for it, the free tier is generous enough for casual users like me.
It being open source sold it for me.
A politician from one of the modern countries that still imprisons people for lese-majesty wants to end social media anonymity? Sounds like a great idea!