my AI is so good, it generated one that’s 100% identical
plus my AI uses less than 99% of the electricity of Microsoft’s
my AI is so good, it generated one that’s 100% identical
plus my AI uses less than 99% of the electricity of Microsoft’s
I can’t bear the thought of the site getting nuked.
Yes. I cap upload and download, so the rest of my network runs smoothly. I then seed forever, so if anyone wants it, they can have it if they’re patient.
Yeah, I noticed that it has consistently picked the best format without me having to tell it. I just run the -F first, so I can see if that’s true by looking at the available formats and looking at what is actually downloaded. I’m not at the point where I’ll just trust it yet.
Edit: Oh, yeah, I meant to say: I’m totally open to suggestions for making this process better. The better it is, the more it may help someone else.
Yeah I agree. I can always do that later though. The digital copies will be gone in a couple months.
No worries. I already acknowledged that ripping or piracy were probably simpler.
For me, it’ll be a little more convenient to do the downloads than to spend time ripping. I’d have to go to the room with my computer that has a drive. Downloading I can do with my laptop anywhere.
I’ve been meaning to get better acquainted with yt-dlp’s settings for use all over the web, and the April deadline put on pressure to learn sooner rather than later.
And, although the disc version is undoubtedly better, the archivist in me also wants the digital copy version as it was available.
For others, they may not have a disc version at all and want to backup their purchases.
Edit: And, oh yeah, MakeMKV is awesome.
yt-dlp can be used.
I only have one purchase on Funimation, and it’s a digital version of a physical purchase.
I’m trying to figure out the exact best options at the moment. If there’s not one yet by the time I’m ready, I’ll make a thread with my command and why I chose each option.
Find a Usenet provider. A quick web search and some reading should get you to the right place. I’m not sure if any good free servers are available anymore, but there’s probably one that’s cheap enough.
Looks like https://sabnzbd.org/ is a free and open source Windows/MacOS/Linux client that can download files. I haven’t tried it, but it’s highly rated on alternativeto.net
HTML is pretty fun and easy. Here are some example websites that explain why an HTML+CSS site is a good idea.
And the drivatives:
If I were doing this and lived in a country that’s not hostile to piracy, I’d look up webhosting providers in my country. I’d then learn a little HTML and CSS at https://www.w3schools.com/html/ and just write pages in Notepad++ and upload them to the server.
If my host dumped me, it would be ridiculously simple to re-upload the files to a new host.
If you rename it using your BitTorrent client, it should still seed fine.
If you’re on Linux, a better option in my opinion, is to make a symlink to your Jellyfin folder and rename the link. The torrent client will see the original filename. Jellyfin will see the new filename.
In my case, I’ll move the finished file to my Jellyfin library (since that’s what my backup software points to). I copy the original filename temporarily. I rename the original file how I like it. Then I make the symlink into the folder I’m seeding from. I then rename the link to match the original filename.