That’s the one I got, but home assistant only sees the switch, not the temperature.
That’s the one I got, but home assistant only sees the switch, not the temperature.
That looks great!
Sorry, yes, small probe on a longish cable. It’s for measuring temperatures on various pipes and hot water tanks to try and understand our new wood stove central heating a bit better.
How not? Is it mildly infuriating that people keep posting actually infuriating stuff to the community. It’s not a huge problem, but it’s definitely mildly infuriating.
The use of a pretend quote is one thing, but what is the middle quotation mark doing?
Manny’s Milk “We’ll deliver that white cream” that puts a smile on your wife’s face"
Is everyone too distracted by the cringe to be infuriated at the punctuation? Wtf is happening with those quotation marks?
Zoloft been in use since 1991, and “Is that your phone?” was a perfectly cromulent thing to say in the 90s, meaning “do I hear your land-line ringing?” not “is that your pocket computer on the table there?”
Thia is exactly the video I was thinking of. I only came across his channel recently, and it is an absolute pleasure.
In Britain lots of beers come on both sizes, and it makes comparing prices #mildlyinfuriating. Is 6x500ml at £7.99 better than 4x440ml at £4.50? What if there’s an 12 pack of 330ml stubbies for £15, but it’s Buy One Get One Free?
Yeah, I was confused about this… A little sugar won’t ruin your French toast, and you can always salt it afterwards… I genuinely forget that people eat it sweet, I’m a cheddar and bacon boy myself.
Does it do emoji predictions? I’ve got a few relationships that use a lot of emoji in chats, and the ability tomjusy type ‘salute’, ‘sad’, ‘kiss’ etc and get the emoji without scrolling through a library is what’s keeping me on Swiftkey.
I mean, I agree, I’m not going to be losing any sleep worrying about the unsatisfied billionaires. But what he’s saying is that given the cost (losing 30 years of his life) the ‘reward’ ($35 billion) wasn’t enough. He’s not saying he doesn’t like or want the money, he’s saying its not enough to give up your life for.
If anything, it would explain why rich people keep pursuing money long after any sane person would be content with their millions/billions. Maybe if you just get given a few million you could be satisfied with it, but if you’ve had to sacrifice your life, friends, morality and so on to get it… And you realise it doesn’t actually make you happy, so you keep chasing more, hoping that eventually enough will be enough. Better that than realising you’re an idiot who fell for capitalism’s big lie and gave up the stuff that actually mattered in life to get more numbers on a sheet.
No idea why you’re getting downvoted. Most of the time I’ve rented an Airbnb is because I’m looking for a homelike environment, kitchen, lounge, etc. Depending on what country I’m in sometimes it’s cheaper to stay in a hotel, sometimes it’s cheaper to stay in an airbnb. But they’re very different experiences, so it depends what you’re looking for.
That’s not quite right. is the “big island” and the political grouping of England, Wales and Scotland (plus islands). “little Britain” has been used historically to name the island that Ireland/Norther Ireland is on, but that would be pretty controversial now…
The United Kingdom is the three countries of Great Britain, combined with Northern Ireland. And it’s the “official” country / nation, has a seat of the UN security council etc. But NI, Wales and Scotland are all countries, and in many peoples they’re nations too (depending on how you define such things).
I think it did effect things. SMS is weirdly popular in the US (i think it’s might be cause they didn’t use it much in the 90s?) but people I know in France and UK still use texts for some things, even if messaging apps are where most of communication happens (French people even use mms which is insane).
I know that I managed to convince a number of tech-shy people (including parents) to get Signal by telling them replaced their sms app, so it wasn’t a whole extra app / network they needed to use. It was great for me because I could ditch WhatsApp completely. But when signal stopped supporting sms they went back to just whatsapping and texting, so I cracked and reinstalled WhatsApp to keep in touch with them.
I think what the meme is trying to say is that a superhero with a prehensile, tentacle like penis is setting unrealistic body expectations. Given the tongue in cheek nature of such a claim, and the photo chosen (bottom left of the meme) I’d imagine it’s partially a satirical jab at the kinda person intimidated by Chris Pratt’s abs (as well as just a self-acknowledged shitpost).
But some of the chat in this thread defintely demonstrates that some folks (mostly m’en I’d presume?) don’t seem to understand the vast difference between body image expectations for men and women in contempary culture.
Can you sign up via the app now? When I started I downloaded jerboa, but then had to go the browser to create an account, which isn’t super smooth.
Yes, same. I’m just looking for an update every 5/10 minutes, so I can chart the temperature throughout the day.