If writing for a decent amount of time, this is how I do it with fountain pens. They almost feel made for lefties.
If writing for a decent amount of time, this is how I do it with fountain pens. They almost feel made for lefties.
It’s been a while since I used it, but Librewolf had a habit of showing the bitwarden extension’s window at the wrong size.
I was able to fix this by disabling a “resist fingerprinting” setting, but it’s annoying to have to do stuff like this in the first place. I really wanted to have an exceptions list that included certain websites for fingerprinting resistance, but I never found a clear way to do it.
There are a few other examples of settings that I had to tweak in order to make the experience as good as Firefox.
Those who are against it probably would just move away from Ubuntu. For those who aren’t, I don’t see why they shouldn’t register for Ubuntu Pro. It’s not in the spirit of the free software ecosystem, but not everyone needs to have the same level of commitment to free software.
IMO, hearing about Ubuntu Pro reinforces my decision to stick to Ubuntu derivatives like Mint, and it’s making me consider trying options like LMDE or straight up Debian.
This sounds like a problem with your organization. I use windows at the hospital where I work, and we don’t run into these kinds of issues. Yeah it is rife with other issues like goading you into using microsoft edge, one drive, and more, but updates are handled by IT.
This is why people trying to pass this as a primary option baffle me a bit. dd is not that bad in isolation, but all of these little commands add up.
If we want Linux to be mainstream, we need to accept that most users aren’t going to be linux enthusiasts. They just want a PC that works normally.
They’ll never tell.
That’s cool. I may keep an eye out for old Kindles in thrift stores and whatnot. With the advent of android tablets that just have e paper displays, I probably will try those before buying another kindle.
I feel like it makes sense. If you order coffee you pay for the amount of coffee not the overall volume of the coffee and ice. This is actually a good thing because you won’t be wondering if they watered down your drink more than usual due to an error by the barista.
I feel like this word is just used to mean that something caused a certain emotion. Maybe it was co-opted from the world of mental health. Either way, saying it triggered me is less descriptive than saying that it annoyed or infuriated me, but it’s popular now.
I am curious if anyone with some legal knowledge can weigh in. My messy google search only pointed to one federal law, the FTC act, that would allow the FTC to intervene if a website breaks its own privacy policy. Otherwise US privacy laws are industry specific. (E.g. there is a set of laws for healthcare related data, HIPAA. There are other ones for some financial institutions.) So on a federal level they would have the FTC to worry about, maybe.
What complicates this is that multiple states have their own data privacy laws, and I don’t know what a company based in one state with data from users in other states has to do.
Gender is a second order tensor, so you should store it as a pointer to an array of pointers for maximum read/write speed.
Moving a very stinky trashcan back to a more public area after doing something like this may not be a great idea. Leaving it in the bathroom also is weird though. I don’t think any solution is ideal in that situation.
I feel like consoles are targeted at a section of the population that doesn’t value freedom over how they use their hardware. Locked bootloaders on consoles are technically not good, but it’s almost like it’s part of what defines a game console. If it really valued the users freedom, it’d just be a PC. The steam deck and similar devices are changing that idea though.
Musk has been trying to get as much publicity as possible it would seem. The media is probably participating because it’ll generate clicks from those who vehemently oppose him and those who worship him.
I feel like building a top of the line PC cost less than half this just one generation ago. What on earth happened?
Edit: maybe the specs in the comic are just crazy.
More and more I’ve seen these contextless comments. It’s really odd. Do people just expect us to know what they’re thinking?
He’s seemingly trying to create a suite of social networking and other tools. Maybe to compete with Google and the likes. Ambitious for sure. I don’t know if he’ll have any success given how Twitter is going.
It’s hard, but not hard enough from what I’ve been able to gather. We should want something better IMO. I’m surprised that TOTP isn’t more common.
Your last suggestion is basically what YouTube premium offers. I don’t think I would personally watch ads voluntarily, but I’ve seen similar systems in some games. Smite (at least used to) let you watch ads to get gems that you can use to buy cosmetics.
Maybe they’re not for you, IDK. I started with a Lamy safari and noodler’s ink, and it was pretty smooth. You do have to write a bit differently though.
The pilot G2s are well known for being very good as well.
I’m thinking of going back to nicer gel pens. Fountain pens are great when writing, but filling and cleaning is such a hassle. My favorite is probably the TWSBI VAC 700R since it holds so much ink, and it doesn’t need to be filled often at all.