Road redemption is so much fun and I’m kind of amazed that the guy never made a sequel it seems like it would have been easy enough to keep developing.
Road redemption is so much fun and I’m kind of amazed that the guy never made a sequel it seems like it would have been easy enough to keep developing.
This is Winnie the Pooh stuff.
Use generative AI to replace the background of all photos. I’m sure someone will come up with an app that does this automatically one day
I go from Three musketeer to wizard of the Court in about 1 month. Generally I just prefer not to cut my hair, but it will reach full length in about 1 year and then just stop growing any longer.
These guys seem like they also chose this hairstyle because it’s just less work and you spend less time being uncomfortable.
Constantly shaving all the time sucks.
By “look like Jesus” do you mean they are white guys with long hair and facial hair?
I think you might underestimate how easy it is to grow your hair out and stop shaving and instantly become a Jesus look-alike. No effort needed.
Also, these two dudes look extremely different from each other and obviously they look nothing like Jesus who was a 5 and 1/2 ft tall brown skinned Semite.
An app has been shut down on the unsubstantiated claims that it was a tool of foreign influence but on the apparent reasoning that it was facilitating conversations that western social media is hostile to such as the Israeli extermination of Palestinians.
Palestine and Gaza were specifically cited by congresspeople as an inspiration and justification for the ban. It is plainly censorship. That’s not really debatable.
Whether or not you believe that the censorship was reasonable or if there is sufficient evidence of subversive foreign influence using the platform is possibly debatable, but the fact that it is censorship is not.
It’s weird cuz when I go to the site I don’t see anything like that as even an option.
I don’t see any option that says “need help signing in” and you have to type in your social security number before you even get to the page that has your phone number on it? What am I missing?
[oh no… Anyway. PNG]
The critical hit captured live on national television looked like a cutscene from a new fallout game.
Zucks passing dominates the new cycle for almost 10 minutes before the enthusiasm about a new fallout game completely overshadows him.
A few years later no one’s ever heard the name Zuckerberg outside of memes about that one oligarch who got melted by the space aliens shortly after first contact.
It turns out he’s the reason they came here, "You can’t let those things get established on your planet, clearly your people didn’t notice but that wasn’t a human. That creature was a mimic and it would have consumed you all if you let it. We’re going to station a few folks here in case another one shows up… and you got to clean this place up it’s a mess down here. "
For context:
White Europeans are perpetrating a genocide on the native population of the land they invaded while playing the victim and breaking many treaties, international human rights laws, and the credibility of the UN.
These are IDF soldiers which will one day be remembered broadly as akin to “Gestapo” or perhaps just “Nazis”. Here in the video there is a gang of Israeli state sanctioned terrorists beating an unarmed lanky man in light clothing.
Despite the fact that there could not be an excuse to simply beat this man on the street some particularly depraved people will grasp for any excuse to hate the oppressed and glorify the oppressors.
The video is cut, likely because Israel will kill journalists it thinks might expose the inhumanity endemic to the nations sickness. They consider them to be acceptable targets because the journalists can provide evidence of the monstrous behavior of this right wing religious ethnostate.
You are awesome.
Lemmy is better for you being here. Thanks for the reading material!
I’m just going to assume those 4 dollar words are real and you aren’t just misspelling normal words to fuck with us.
Non surjective free magma? What about the doblastic amortized basalt?
When I was in high school and I replied to the appearance of an army recruiter in my social studies class I objected to his presence there with the phrase, “surely you don’t think it’s appropriate for you to be here recruiting impressionable youth to bomb brown people in the name of fascism?” My teacher made me stand in the hallway and gave me a “0” on the days quiz. There was no fucking quiz.
Adobe basically invented the SaaS model. It’s not really practical to bootleg most Adobe products anymore either so most people break down and just pay the million dollar a year subscription fee so they can keep using it.
Communism is incompatible with private property or classes which is why no matter how many states write “communism” on the tin, what they actually put in it is just fascist enforced state capitalism.
China is not more communist or even socialist than the USA. A strong ruling class loves fascism and hates socialism. They are actively hostile to communism.
China is state capitalism anyway. There isn’t much Communist about them. The “party” is their 1% permanent ruling class.
That just goes with a territory of having an iPhone. When you bought that device you signed on to a culture of consumption that is enforced by the developer of that device.
The developer can’t force Apple to let the developer give it to you for free. Apple doesn’t tolerate free very well and anything that is free on Apple is likely either a privacy nightmare or is paid for by some subscription you have with Apple.
This isn’t a problem with the app It’s a problem with the Apple.
I’m curious where you are that a business line doesn’t cost more than a residential one because in my area it’s three times as much. I am fortunate enough that I get symmetrical gigabit for $90 a month and although they don’t promise static IP my IP has not changed in a while.
If I wanted to get a real static IP I would have to upgrade to a business line It would cost $280 a month.
The series has a very satisfying conclusion.
It’s one of the coolest fucking things we watched this last year.
It’s a great game for couch coop, vs and it works online too.
There isn’t too much to discover after you have beaten everything, but it’s great fun for any fan of road rash or comical ultra violence.