actual crtl key?
actual crtl key?
Interesting, I’ve only really heard of breaking encryption with them. Is there already a proven algorithm for packing that could be reasonably done with a qc not too far into the future
You can side load them, kinda, its just a huge pain so your point still stands
In the same way lemmy is like many reddits communicating with eachother; mastodon is comparable to many twitters that can share users and posts with eachother
They were stupid to bring it back anyways, it only succeeded the second time because enough time had passed for the people that remembered it and there were plenty of new people to participate. This time neither is true
can’t quantum computers in theory calculate everything a normal computer can, it’s just much more of a challenge to build one
on top of that music streaming services dont have exclusives like tv/film so you aren’t forced to get multiple