I have over 10TBs of movies and TV shows and have watched most of them
I have over 10TBs of movies and TV shows and have watched most of them
I had a nice layout for a while that used Iframes to access all my services. Made things easier for my family they just went to the main domain and there was a menu that would take them to ll the services no back button needed. Iframes aren’t really secure from my understanding tho.
Interesting about that page was I hade ChatGPT generate the HTML for it
I was wrong. Must’ve been confused
They were the same guy. I see him comment on peoples stuff occasionally
Was too angry. I’d spent 2 months fighting for my job because the Floor manager didn’t like me. (I was inventory control out of her department but, could correct her for making mistakes) after I quit the inventory went to shit. A lot of people from my department (Logistics) then walked out and the factory went out of business within a year. Glad I jumped from that sinking ship
I left a job once because I had a timecard and proof in the system of when I worked but, the HR manager saw a truck like mine driving around town during the hours I was at work so she said I didn’t really work those hours. She even took a pictures of the 2013 4 door Dodge. Mine was a 98 single cab. They gave me 24hrs to “fix” my time card or they were going to fire me. So I quit on the spot and left my time card
…they do but, you have to supply the schedule. I was using a Home run to pipe OTA tv in but, have since moved to a IPtv provider. Works very very well
Yes. Me and my buddy.
Dude Jellyfin would be perfect. We have both a normal instance and a porn instance running at my house
I love Newpipe on my Android TV and phone. Added benefit of not sending any user data to YouTube I just imports my subscriptions from my phone to the TV every month or so