They’re so eager to turn down anything perceived as coming from Biden that they’re speeding their own irrelevance. Many of the kids they’re screwing over will remember these things the R cult is doing now. They’ll reach voting age, more elderly bigots will die, MAGA will be just a reminder of dark times, and many things will improve.
They began trying to stoke doubt on mail-in voting years ago, along with trying to gut the postal service. We could see all this coming long before the election.
EDIT: Grammar
It could tell them there’s likely a live person receiving their bullshit, so continue spamming with other means.
Bear in mind these are all just ideas I have about how they operate, based on nothing really. I try to imagine how spammers analyze data they receive to target us.
Edit: In italics
I always block them right away. My idea is that any interaction flags you as ‘positive direct contact’ in their scumbag networks, making them likely to increase the spamming. I realize the act of blocking may in itself trigger this, if they track undeliverable contact, but idk what else to do.
Don’t forget PPP, when they funneled ridiculous money to big business while allowing rampant fraud.
You’d think corporations would learn from these types of failures. But no, not as long as endless growth is the overall plan. The yes men will keep cutting corners at the expense of safety and quality.