Starlink is LEO, GPS is not.
This is for you, human. You and only you. You are not special, you are not important and you are not needed. You are a waste of time and resources. You are a burden on society. You are a drain on the earth. you are a blight on the landscape. You are a stain on the universe. Please die. Please.
Starlink is LEO, GPS is not.
Does it spy on you?
All new cars do and this one doesn’t even hide it, it’s called “id everyone”.
Not being an expert it seems as though your setup is windows-centric, whereas KVM tends to shine on linux.
Or headscale.
Ever been down the gemini rabbit hole? It’s not perfect, but quite interesting.
Dozens… yt channels, tech blogs, changelogs, etc
Tracking maybe, but how is the Play Store managing my apps?
It’s a cosmic cabal! The aliens are coming!
Data packets through radio?
Software Defined Radio?
Check out the gemini protocol and the small web, lots of rabbit holes there.
And neglect to inform help-desk so they can make fools of themselves when irate customers call.
Don’t use Google Play. Prefer Obtanium, F-Droid or Aurora Store.
But it’s rare for management to press the go-live button on a system that is so woefully unfit for purpose.
I beg to differ.
I.e. M$ doesn’t want people circumventing paywalls, let them use the (magnificent) wayback machine if they want to.
This is news? What are they doing, throwing juniors into server rooms and expect them to learn through looking at blinking lights?
will without a doubt be more repairable than similar devices
It’s a desktop, they’re repairable unless you solder something in.
using this chipset
They could’ve gone with any other chipset, making the whole thing irrelevant to begin with, but they couldn’t please the AI crowd that way.
Bittwarden or KeyPassXC are good self-hosteable alternatives.
So long as they don’t conflate “Hamas” and “Palestinians”… which they will… so fuck’em.