For what its worth, my galaxy flip 5 is over 2 years by now and have no issues whatsoever. I also work in construction so it is by no means pampered. Ive had regular phones break earlier than this have held up now.
For what its worth, my galaxy flip 5 is over 2 years by now and have no issues whatsoever. I also work in construction so it is by no means pampered. Ive had regular phones break earlier than this have held up now.
Lol sure is. Stop assuming everyone is americano.
I sure do. Usually even 10% more. Everyone I know tend to get the same results… Only place i dont hit advertised speed is on mobile, but thats usually plenty enough even in the woods.
In my country, if you dont hit your plan besides when on mobile, something is wrong.
Right, so your first mentioned 100gbps will reach what then, 2gbps?
Not sure if youre trolling or just really daft at this point.
Because graphene is just android without makeup
sURe iS InTEreStinG lmao piss off to back under your bridge wanker
I have a hunch Linus at LTT could float his own storage for whatever stuff he wants to host. The same way you and me have to pay for our own online storage.
Great suggestion. Ever feel like youre stuck in a maze or did you just have an llm stroke?
Do what? Enter their credit card info into a webform? Sure, why not?
Im happy with mailbox.org so far!
Cancel it now so you dont forget it while it autorenews.
I moved to mailbox.org due to this, very happy so far. They seem happy being just a mail provider with no aspiration for world domination on the privacy market, and their site layouts shows that with no upsells or similiar.
Can americans not use credit processors that reside in another country? This sounds like a non issue for proton as long as they dont market to americans.
I cancelled my newly made subscription because of this and asked for the money back, currently theyre trying to stall that by all means.
I went with mailbox.org instead for much cheaper, the setup was really simple, but ive heard great things of other providers as well.
Probably something about toenails
I dont know a single euroepean that is using WhatsApp, and im european… i mostly encounter asian people that use it.
They’re not that fragile really. I work outside, think asphalt worker. My flip 5 turns 1.5 years old today, no issues whatsoever besides the original screen protector that I replaced myself, dropped at least twice a month.
I’ve broken plenty of regular phones quicker than this have been alive now.
And while I’m at it, fuck samsung as a company, absolut shit support but nice hardware.
It’s way cheaper to just set up your own device with openwrt, not that difficult, and with the added benefit of having open source code. Why half-ass it.
Cry me a river shill lmao
I do use a case, nothing special, just some random chinese plastic. I also keep it wrapped in plastic protectors, both on the back and front, and tend to switch them out when it begins to look scuffed.
So far it looks kinda brand new besides the edges that have some actual scuff marks, i tend to drop it frequently lol