I feel that I’ve done everything right. I’ve created a section in the port forwarding section that forwards all incoming port 22-29 connections to port 22 and my servers ip. When I try to connect from an outside network as USERNAME@MY PUBLIC IP it just times out.
If you want to forward an ssh connection over an existing ssh connection, ProxyJump is the way to go.
I think they are asking how to configure Port forwarding on their border router/firewall for incoming SSH connections from elsewhere on the Internet.
Not how to transport other protocols over a working SSH connection.
Hard to say without proper info
Before you porr forward your ssh, you need to secure it first, example:
Changing your ssh port to unusal port (something above 20000 or 30000 would be good)
Setup your ssh to not use password auth and use only pubkey
After you set that, port forward the port that you choose and run the command in your terminal or powershell:
ssh -v ‘pubkeynameyouchoose.pub’ -p ‘portyouchoose’ username@ipaddress
Check if your Provider uses CGNAT. And I don’t understand why you opened port 22-29 instead of just one port.
Install Tailscale on the target PC or server, then enable ssh on your account at Tailscale website. Install Tailscale on the device you intend to use for accessing other devices. That’s it. You can now login to the device(s) via ssh.