Hi there! First of all, I wanted to say thank you. Thanks for submitting bugs and PRs, sharing wefwef, and for the overwhelming kindness from everyone here. 💙 I would not be writing this post right now if it wasn’t for that.
I have a few important announcements in this thread, so please read on!
(TLDR subscribe to [email protected]!)
The road to v1
Somehow, after only a few weeks, v1 is in reach! That being said, there are a few important features needed in order to get there:
- Blocking and unblocking users and communities
- Hide NSFW posts toggle
- Community favorites
- Better keyboard handling on comment and post dialogs
- Workaround for light mode status bar on iOS
- Direct connect to lemmy.world instead of proxy workaround
Keep in mind, v1 won’t be perfect. There will be bugs :) This is just the point at which we feel there is nothing critical outstanding.
Our new name: Voyager
Thanks so much for all of the really great and important points for either keeping wefwef or changing to Voyager. A recurring theme I heard is that while wefwef is a fun, unique name, Voyager is a more approachable name. To me, that’s important. I’ve decided on Voyager!
With that, I’m also happy to announce some new domain names!
- https://vger.app - Official web app deployment
- https://getvoyager.app - Official onboarding link (redirects to /settings/install, for now)
(Don’t worry, wefwef.app will continue working for the foreseeable future!)
And our new Lemmy community, [email protected]
We will be transitioning to this new name effective Monday July 10 when the old wefwef community will be locked. Subscribe to [email protected]!
App icon contest
As part of the v1 launch, I’m hoping to adopt a new community-driven app icon! 🥰 I can’t wait to see what you all come up with!
What do I win??
wefwef *ahem* Voyager is a free and open source project, so there isn’t a cash prize or anything. But, credit to you will be officially in the app settings and the Github repo readme!
Submission deadline
On July 10th I will create a thread for submissions in [email protected]. On July 16th, 10pm CT submissions will close (depending on submission volume, may be extended).
Selection process
I will lock the thread after the submission window and nominate 3 icons (see below tips for what I’m looking for). I’ll take into account votes and comments from people. :) If there are very few submissions, I may extend the window to submit. Shortly after, I’ll create another thread for the community to vote to choose one of the final three!
- I encourage you to make the app icon FUN and colorful! Give the app a soul that reflects the community driven nature of Lemmy and the greater Fediverse. Icons using the display-p3 colorspace are encouraged. I love how an interconnected rainbow represents the Fediverse, and I’d love to see your personal artistic style :)
- I am purposely allowing raster icons for this contest, because I think too many app icons look bland, generic and… well… corporate vector bleh. I love the fun style of these Fediverse illustrations by David Revoy: https://framablog.org/2022/12/08/framasoft-2022-a-casserole-cooked-up-thanks-to-you-thanks-to-your-donations/?print=print
- 3 submissions max per artist
- Please, no submissions resembling the Apollo icon (sorry!) to respect Apollo’s app icon branding
- For each submission, required assets:
- (For contest submission)
- Single 512x512 square PNG designed for iOS should be in your comment. (If you have an iOS device, I recommend this site to test)
- Optional sentence or two explaining your icon
- (Upon being selected)
- 1024x1024 PNG or SVG iOS app icon.
- 1024x1024 PNG or SVG “maskable” variant for Android app icon. Tips here: https://web.dev/maskable-icon
- BONUS/OPTIONAL Splash screen image - Design a full screen app launch screen that is maskable to fit various device aspect ratios. This is totally optional.
- (For contest submission)
- Your work should be licensed under CC-BY-SA 4.0, or less restrictive. :)
That’s all! Thanks for reading this far! 💙
P.S. Did I mention subscribe to [email protected]?
Will Voyager be coming to the app stores?