I’ve heard a lot of people want to change app names. Which I’m totally fine with! I’ve heard a lot of love for the name “Voyager”

So, thoughts? Do you prefer renaming? Do you like the name “Voyager”? Any other good ideas?

Comment below!

  • Deecoder@lemmy.world
    2 years ago

    I quite like Voyager continuing Apollo’s space program theme.

    Another option in tribute to Apollo is “Delphi”.

    Delphi is the site of the Temple of Apollo and was an ancient sacred precinct and the seat of Pythia, the major oracle who was consulted about important decisions throughout the ancient classical world. The ancient Greeks considered the centre of the world to be in Delphi.

    As well as the links to Apollo, Delphi’s history is of a community sanctuary and a central source of wisdom.

    The term Delphi is more unique than Voyager so it will be more searchable and should be easier to secure a domain name.

    Here are a few interesting quotes from the Delphi Temple of Apollo wiki:

    The Temple of Apollo, was a major part of the Panhellenic religious sanctuary located in Central Greece at Delphi. The temple and sanctuary at large were dedicated to one of the major Greek deities, Apollo.

    Within the ancient Greek world, Delphi was considered the center of the universe, marked by the omphalos, or “navel”, of the Earth that was located in Apollo’s sacred temple. The Temple of Apollo at Delphi was perceived as an incredibly sacred site, considered a major center of ancient Greek religious practice and belief as well as a place intimately connected to the gods.

    The exterior of the temple was also decorated with metopes, with five major depictions of gods and heroes being victorious over monsters, a mirroring of Apollo’s defeat of Python during the mythological founding of the Temple of Apollo at Delphi.

    The priestesses of Apollo, known as the Pythia, served as the oracle for the Temple of Apollo at Delphi. Greeks and non-Greeks alike would go to the Temple of Apollo at Delphi from across the Mediterranean and beyond to consult the Pythia on a variety of different topics, ranging from the state level like the establishment of new colonies to the personal level like marriage, children, and health.

  • Vincent St. Pierre@lemmy.world
    2 years ago

    Seems like Voyager is a hit…

    … but, I do offer another series of suggestions:

    • Hubertos, the patron saint of hunters. In addition to linkages to a cure for rabies, he is the patron of hunters, which has fit with the lemmings and critters that we share online.
    • Muroidea is the name for the superfamily of rodents, which you can read more about here.
    • Artemis is another series of manned space flights from NASA.
    • Ulysses is another example. Add in it being a name of a mythological explorer, and it adds another layer.
    • Mushak: Ganesh, from the Hindu pantheon, rides a mouse. This mouse’s name is Mushak according to some sects. As a divine mount, there’s some fun pieces of lore and how this app is how Lemmy users can ride into knowledge of the world around them.
    • Ratatoskr is a Norse rodent, who carries messages on the world tree in that mythology. As this app shares messages and connects people, it’s a fun way to share the core mission of Lemmy.

    Those are some ideas! Hopefully some of this is helpful!

    • Protegee9850@lemmy.world
      2 years ago

      Maybe don’t name your app a literal god that is part of an existing religion with millions of adherents.

  • Protegee9850@lemmy.world
    2 years ago

    Change it if you want but “Voyager” sounds like some corporate nothing app named by bean pushers and commitees.