Karl Voit :emacs: :orgmode: (@[email protected])
graz.socialAfter basically the whole #Microsoft #Azure cloud was hacked (see list of related sources on https://karl-voit.at/cloud/ ), the first follow-up incidents went public caused by missing containment actions:
60,000 emails were stolen from 10 #USA #StateDepartment accounts
If you didn't understand until now: basically EVERYTHING at Microsoft got hacked and Microsoft can't (or won't) get rid of the intruders. Everything authenticated by Microsoft is tainted. Even #Windows auth.
You have to assume that any data online at this point has been compromised or will be compromised, up to and including encrypted information. You just have to hope we’re not on track to have publicly available quantum computing that can break said encryption or there’d be no point doing any kind of secure internet communication anymore.