How could collaboration between a human author and GenAI work? Is the result an interactive story which people would enjoy reading? Does it add anything to the text?

    20 days ago

    Human and AGI collaboration might be interesting, if ever real AI actually develops. But I wouldn’t call augmenting or probing of existing works of fiction with rehashed LLM sludge collaboration, I’d call it glorified and advanced plagiarism at worst, and low quality cliff notes at best.

    I would much rather read a work of creative fiction from a human being than to encounter autocorrect word predictions written into paragraphs. The idea that the text itself can be queried to gain additional meaning divorced from the author’s intention strikes me as unrealistic and not faithful to the person who originally crafted the words.

    Though I’m obviously biased against LLMs being used for this kind of thing, from lots of experience seeing how crappy they are.