I knowledge there is a lot of dns filter available on the internet. I use a lot of them in my pihole system, next dns, and adblocker .But in some way i found that they don’t contain a lot of domains. Maybe they are not tracking or ad but i found that if you block them there is no effect. So I’m making a list of them. So do you have your own list? That one i made is too strict most Google services don’t work without them but I’m good without it. So i want to know if you known about any of these unnecessary domains. If you known please share for everyone.

  • AtariDump@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    If you’re looking for blocklists, [I use /u/Wally3k’s lists](https://wally3k.github.io/) as well as [the /u/LightSwitch05 “Developer Dan” lists](https://www.github.developerdan.com/hosts/).

    I no longer personally use the OISD lists,- [as the maintainer tells you **not** to use any other lists other than theirs](https://reddit.com/r/oisd_blocklist/comments/m6j6fg/oisd_domain_blocklist/) making it difficult to impossible to use the groups feature. Instead, I’ll use a mix of lists and regex blocks. Nor do I recommend the [“Quantum Blocklist that’s been going around - here’s why]( http://web.archive.org/web/20210116004915/https://gitlab.com/The_Quantum_Alpha/the-quantum-ad-list/-/issues/13)

    [I also suggest these regex blocks](https://github.com/mmotti/pihole-regex/blob/master/regex.list)

    Make sure you read what the different symbols mean with Wally’s blocklists before applying **every** blocklist. If you stick with the check-marked lists you should find that it blocks ads without too many false positives.

    More blacklisted items doesn’t mean more items blocked; often time adding too many lists will break legitimate websites.

    If you want to, you can reevaluate the added lists after 14-30 days [using this tool (not supported by PiHole devs) to audit which lists are actually used](https://github.com/yubiuser/pihole_adlist_tool). I’ve run this tool and discovered that several lists I added weren’t doing anything at all (If you need help with this tool please use the GitHub page to discuss).

    **With the release of v5 memory usage has been reduced when using additional block lists. Also note that with v5 lists are no longer “deduped”.**