Hi guys, out of curiosity when you used reddit sync did you use the notifications feature?
If so did you use push notifications from the official reddit app or polled notifications (ie sync checkes every 60min, 2hrs, etc)?
Lastly hypothetically if sync for lemmy had notifications features similar to sync for reddit would you use star/continue to use instant push notifications/polling based push notifications?
Curious on your thoughts.
Nah, I hate notifications from social media sites like Reddit and such. So I always had those disabled. On my phone, I only need to know when people call or text me, not when someone replies to a comment I made on Reddit.
Same here … I have Android and whenever I see a new notification from anything, I jump into settings to see which app was involved and disable their notifications.
I even turn off the sound and ignore most of my calls and texts … I don’t like talking or texting people I know in real life anymore (unless I have to). I only talk, text or chat with people on my terms when I want to.
I already spend too much time on my phone, I don’t need it to constantly alert me to look at it again.
I used push notifications for messages, and let Sync get it for me so I didn’t install the steaming pile of [redacted] that was the official reddit app.
I was happy even with the necessary delay that induced - I was mainly dealing with either comment replies or notifications from followed authors on /r/hfy
Ah in the past I used push from the official reddit app with sync (no delay).
In the case of Lemmy I have use monito rss with Lemmy inbox rss (poll rate every 10 min).
Ooh, I use Feedly already for (many) RSS feeds, so if that’s possible, it’ll be useful. Of course, I’m hoping to switch to Sync for Lemmy when it hits - I’ve pretty much gone cold turkey on Reddit now; it’ll be interesting to see if things change over there.
I did but only for replies and mentions.
Not the biggest deal-breaker, so polled is good enough for me since it is a low priority channel for me anyways.
I kinda wonder if sync for lemmy can use a sort of hybrid aproach. For instance when sync for lemmy is in the forground it uses websockets with the lemmy instance to get push notifications. However once the app is exited (or after a predetermined perioed of time) sync could revert back to polled notifications. This is kinda similar to how lemmy web sends push notificaitons when opened as a tab but doesn’t when closed.
That actually sounds like a good implementation. What are technical aspects of using websockets in the background? Or is it just due to battery?
Mainly battery limitations (could prevent doze and/or cause a wake lock) and possible increase in server load for instances (your device would have to maintained a persistent connection to lemmy instance).
That’s true, so sounds like a nice compromise that also follows the official pattern in a way.
I feel like that’s basically how sync was working for me. I can’t remember my exact notification settings but probably used polling. But if I was using the app and would open a thread or refresh or something I would get a notification that I had received a message. Other than that I generally just used the emails reddit would send me about a comment reply or something. They annoyed me for the most part but I never took the time to turn them off. 😂
I never stopped to consider what type of notifications Sync used, but ability to receive notifications are a priority for me. I participate actively in discussions and don’t like to leave people hanging if they have interesting responses/questions/etc to something I posted. So knowing when someone has replied to any of my posts is very helpful in that regard, versus when I occasionally remember to check my inbox probably days later after the discussion has already ended.
I only used the polled notifications, refused to install the official crap
Never installed the official app so I guess polled. Instant notifications like on the Mastodon app are nice but not a necessity.
Polled notifications. I think I had mine set to every 10 or 30 min. Kinda forgot.
I relief on polled notifications from Sync. Worked just fine for me.
Never installed the official app so I guess polled. Instant notifications like on the Mastodon app are nice but not a necessity.
I guess that’s one of the main reasons that I have kept the Official Reddit app installed, was to get the push notifications from it.
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