Saw the post here regarding CentOS’s off-springs and a couple of people brought up the excellent point of: why play with fire? Let’s just stick to Debian.

The only disadvantage I currently see is the outdated packages, and I’m curious whether makedeb solves them. Does anyone here use it regularly? How stable and comfortable is it? Did you write your own PKGBUILDs?

    2 years ago

    I was just thinking the other day how nice it would be to port pamac into some more prod-oriented environments.

    Looking through the docs, it appears to tick most of the boxes I’d want, will have to play with it in the coming days.

    Have an upcoming project that will actually require some consistency and documentation, this might be useful.

    I don’t mind building when necessary, but doing so is not calculated to communicate well with future me, so it’s not ideal.