Am I missing something? The article seems to suggest it works via hidden text characters. Has OpenAI never heard of pasting text into a utf8 notepad before?

  • archomrade [he/him]
    7 months ago

    Not to mention that it would be extremely difficult to implement an effective watermark on text below a certain size

    There are hundreds of thousands of pixels in an image where you can hide a watermark, but in a text output of a paragraph or less there are only a couple hundred characters.

    How precise is the watermark? Is it a specific sequence of characters? Is it a sequence of words? A number of characters in a row? Non-print characters?

    How precise the watermark is will determine how easy it is to get around. I imagine some of the most important uses to detect would be twitter/social media influence bots where the output length is only 140 characters or less. I find it hard to imagine a watermark on output of that size being effective or reliable.