Whenever thepiratebay goes down, it is a disaster for me to find anything online. The megathread is next to useless, taking me to all these crazy sites that don’t have a torrent option. Instead, they have individual episode downloads of 600 episode TV series. And to access each individual episode, I have to click on a mirror that takes me elsewhere. Then, from that site, I have to click on something that takes me to another site. Then, I have to wait 10 seconds, then I have to confirm the download, then it asks me if I want to pay for premium, then it takes 30 minutes to download one episode.
I’m not actually sure what the community’s goal is here. To me, it seems like the entire idea of piracy will go down if thepiratebay ever goes permanently down because this giant “community resource” we have is an utter cluster, with so much garbage shoved in it.
Outside of thepiratebay, how do you guys effectively perform any of the tasks one would want to do on a place like this?
There are torrent sites on the megathread… You just have to scroll down to where it says “Torrents” rather than direct download. I’ll be honest, you come off as a bit entitled in this post. Calling a free resource that someone took the time to make “useless” just because you didn’t take the time to scroll down is a bit rude, IMO. Not that I think you meant to come off that way.
Anyway, here’s a link to the torrenting section on FMHY’s piracy resource list.. The link should automatically scroll down to the list of torrent sites ;)
You’re right, I don’t mean to sound entitled in any way, I’m just…frustrated and a bit lost. And it’s hard, because I don’t necessarily know where to look for help because the community (naturally) is fairly underground. Even signing up for this and posting this makes me nervous that I’ll “get caught” somehow, despite having a VPN.
You’re right though, I just assumed that since Torrents seem to be the best method, they’d be at the top. But they’re down there, I’m just clueless. I’m already having success with the 1337 site other people recommended though, which is good to know about.
Hey props to you for acknowledging it, we all have our moments!
I definitely feel you on how frustrating it can be sometimes to access information in the piracy community, both due to potential legal repercussions and to a certain insularity. Pirates don’t always want to share the cool new thing, because sometimes when too many people start knowing about the cool new thing, corporations will also learn about the cool new thing and want to shut it down.
1337x.to has been my go-to for a while, I rarely fail to find what I’m looking for there!
Echoing what this person said! ^
You essentially said “this”, but with more words. Please add more to the discussion by sharing your thoughts on what he said instead of echoing.
Your policing of conversation isn’t really adding to the discussion either, is it? You could just downvote, or better yet, ignore it and move on.
No, it is adding to the conversation because I am providing feedback to improve their comment which can contribute to the discussion. Ignoring and moving on is what enabled reddit to turn to shit.
Yeah if there’s one thing reddit lacked, it was people in the comments taking a moral stand on some issue at everyone else’s expense.
It’s not adding to the originally conversation, it’s starting a new one.
You’re right; I deserve the downvote.
I bet only a few of us here use pirate bay these days. Atleast for media.
I suggest 1337 or torrent galaxy. They have seasons packed into a single torrent
I primarily use 1337x.to
The pirate bay has been unreliable for me for years.Why not go private? alpharatio, mac-torrents, myanonamouse, PTP, BTN, RED, there are plenty of options.
Suggesting PTP and BTN to someone who has never used private trackers before is a bit mean.
Yeah I guess I’m old, I’ve been on those for 10+ years and didn’t realise they don’t allow new members. My bad (no irony, I am actually 42 years old).
PTP recently became possible again via RED but it is a loooong road for a new comer.
Meh these places seem like little more than a exclusive club that members can lord over the outsiders. I’ve had little issue finding content using a mix of ‘B tier’ private trackers and public sites, none of which had some long convoluted membership process. I don’t think they’re worth the trouble.
Use qbittorrent, add the search tool to it, add all the search engines you can, and then let qbittorrent search all the torrent sites for you. Tpb is just 1 of many.
Use prowlarr, sonarr, and radarr instead of all this.
Thanks for the post. I’m a novice at pirating too and i think i was a bit lost too. This post and the megathread helps a lot.
The most sophisticated thing i did previously was to get mullvad as a vpn
This could turn out to be a bad decision. removing the support for forwarded ports Without Portforwarding you will not be able to seed properly.
There is nowhere near enough quality control or moderation of what’s posted on TPB. Yeah it’s absolutely got more content and even seeders than elsewhere, but you’re really rolling the dice.
TPB is not what used to be anyways
TPB is exactly what it used to be, it hasn’t been updated in nearly 2 decades.
As the site maintainers used to and still do say, if you don’t like it, make your own.
People can and have made sites that are better than TPB. Functionally, TPB’s site is still usable (and also quite a nostalgia trip with its appearance), but in terms of the content, there are a ton of malware-laced torrents on there. I understand that you always have to be careful when torrenting regardless of where you get something from, but it’s kind of a bad sign when you’re looking for something, and most of the torrents you find are malicious.
Everybody, OP is a troll account. nobody ever uses tpb, it is a last resort kind of site nowadays!