It’s open source so you can literally check yourself.
It doesn’t matter who funded it if it works right?
You think government agencies have no use for secure communication technology?
No, it is not completly open source, server is not client is, but client is using google services so… not great you can not have it completely clean.
Adding to that that Moxi is not really friendly to comunity requests, as can be seen on various issues on guthub, I wouldn’t call it prime example of free software.
And truth is that financial side was never clear enough, it can be just someone being careful and understandably wanting to stay anonymous, buy I couldn’t find any lies in linked article. Except title which, of course, can not be proven, but we can allow some clickbite, that’s how this internet business works.
someone trying to sell more copies of their book…cool story bro
This Is Blatant Misinformation; which appears to intend to spread Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt.
Please stop swallowing every stupid conspiracy theory that seems plausible to you. Just because it appears plausible is no reason to believe in it
It always feels like the people simping for big federal govt power over things are always the same people who are out here decrying any alternatives to mainstream shit. The charged writing style, the language, the tone - One for One.
I believe in research and science and the writing disciplines that come with that. If you can’t write up your opinion without sounding like a MSM outlet (either left or right, doesn’t matter - as an example, the constant use of “oligarch,”) I don’t believe it’s going to be a factually based opinion.
There’s nothing substantial in this article, just conjecture.
From 2021. And yes, hype for the new at the time book.
To the downvoter(s): Did yo really read the piece? 🤔
yes I did.
It’s a bit low on facts. But it makes up for it with a lot conspiracy stuff.
Did you read it? It’s the same stupid conspiracy theory that comes up every few years with Tor.
„We should make better laws.“
Law are broken nonstop. And US laws don’t apply in Russia or China. You can’t break math, at least not yet.
I read it first and downvoted it after.
It is a giant pile of horseshit. Not only is the authors parler pretty famous for being a fascist hate speech platform but the fact that shutting that whorehouse down (which I cant find anything about) is attributed to „the oligarchy“.
Dude, this does the complete opposite of what this place here is for. We‘re trying to build a platform free of manipulation and control. Right wing propaganda has no place here.
I don’t get what you’re saying. Who burned down what house? What is “the oligarchy” supposed to mean? I don’t see any Parler links anywhere and I thought the platform shut down anyways? I found some older posts of his in Wired and Slate. If he’s a right winger, please show me what’s right wing but don’t come at me with some ramblings of spreading right wing propaganda.
The US is headed to shit and they’re obviously tightening the noose in terms of wanting to do away with privacy and with Tor being basically the only widespread anti-censorship network with decent UX we all must be aware that this is a gift that can easily be subverted and taken away. Sure we can fork it, but you need some decent cryptographers to ensure it remains secure and these people don’t grow on trees.
I don’t think the author is telling anyone not to use Tor but to keep in mind that it’ll probably only last as long as it works in the US’ favor of enabling color revolutions in “evil countries”
Responses like yours really worry me about the political discourse.
“Show me where he’s right wing but if I don’t like your tone I get to call it fake those are the rules I’ve just made up”
We are talking about completely different things.
I am critiquing the authors use of terms („the oligarchy“ and „parlor was shut down by the oligarchy“) which right out the gate brands them as a nut job. Neither do we have an agreed upon „oligarchy“ nor was that cesspool shut down for anything else (if that happened) than promoting hatespeech.
And I am asking myself the same question. What is this guy talking about? What oligarchy? The rest of the article is null and void because most people will leave the second they read such nonsense.