It’s me. I wish to leave.
🇦🇺 🤣🍻
laughing in European
Lol, the last continent I’d want to move to is Europe.
You have some of the fastest aging societies in the world. Your energy is imported from unstable regions that require the intervention of the US to keep them flowing. None of your nations have the ability to project power at scale. Some of your largest companies like BASF are shuttering entire divisions in Europe because they are no longer competitive. The IT start up environment in Europe is a joke.
But please tell me more about MAGA, healthcare, school shootings, expensive college tuition and how big our trucks are.
Europe has fast ageing societies because our people live long and prosperous lives.
The only reason we get energy from unstable regions is because the US makes them unstable for their own profit.
The EU has been projecting power towards plenty of international companies to force them to do whatever we deem necessary, all in favour of the consumer. And they are abiding, because of the EU’s power.
The EU is proof the world does not need big companies. So I don’t know why you are licking their boots as if they were a good thing. We need less big companies, not more.
In the EU you need a coherent start up plan before you are let loose on the market. None of this fuelled by hopes and dreams. Our start ups may be fewer, but they are more robust.
And I will tell you more about how you have an entire political party about to elect a dictator. How your elite have brainwashed tons of you into thinking you don’t need to be healthy or have the power of a union. How school shootings are normalised and how bad you guys don’t want educated people. But sure, keep destroying the planet. It is not like we all live there.
Europe has fast ageing societies because our people live long and prosperous lives.
People living long & prosperous lives and having a young & growing population are not mutually exclusive. You can do both.
None of your nations have the ability to project power at scale.
Why is that important to literally anything apart from international penis measuring competitions?