The people who say they need 3 cups of black coffee to start their day are just addicts with a high tolerance that experience mild withdrawal symptoms each morning.

If you feel like that, it’s your body crying for you to take a break.

If you like an occasional cup of coffee or energy drink to get through something, then that’s fine. But if you ever feel like one isn’t working like it used to, you should take a break from caffeine to reset your tolerance, not up the dosage like an addict.

  • Bruno
    1 year ago

    Before COVID I used to drink 3 coffees throughout the day. When I got sick coffee (and alcohol) would make all symptoms worse. It took me about 10 weeks to recover and during this time I really took a break from coffee and alcohol.

    Now I can go about my day with one cup of coffee which I spelt sip throughout the day, sometimes I don’t even finish it.