- US people have the unique trait of not shutting the fuck up about their politics online
- getting rid of US politics will also get rid of most non-US politics due to all political conversation eventually ending up US politics conversations due to the above point
- it would also be a nice indicator to those who are willing to read the room
- singling out US politics instead of a blanket “no politics” rule cleverly avoids the problem of “but what is/everything is political” debates that are just waiting to take over from the politics debates themselves
- election year or something idk I’m not from there
obviously this does not apply to communities whose explicit purpose is to talk politics
the internet is losing places for creatures to be silly little meow meows :3 in peace, and we need to do something, literally anything, about it
US people have the unique trait of not shutting the fuck up about their politics online
Yeah, don’t assume those are all people. “Bob from Ohio” is often Dmitri from St. Petersburg.
doesn’t change my overall point /shrug
Well you convinced me, I changed my upvote on your post to a downvote.
Is it really something you notice? I haven’t seen that, maybe I don’t go to the same communities
I think as long as the politics is kept to a minimum (US or otherwise) it’s not really a problem. If it becomes a reasonably large portion of the posts then yes ban it in most communities. But it should really be done one a community by community basis.
the thought behind banning it and explicitly allowing “US acceptable zones” is so we can shove all US discussions there and let people talk other things in peace, and those who want to talk US politics can go and mess shit up there, far away from the rest of us who just want to chill and be silly in peace :3
doing it on a “case by case basis” does not help when the intent behind the hypothetical rule is to enact a Lemmy wide change in the atmosphere of the platform
As an American Im totally offended and I agree we should do this but I also need politics injected directly into my veins to survive so you are also a terrorist and killing me by doing this. Our country should stop you from doing this by taking over your country and pretending there’s no oil there. Also we can threaten you with an orange man.
But yes its an election year for us and I already need a break. Seriously just lock me in a padded room with no media access please thank you.
Can you share some communities that you think this rule is needed?
all of them that aren’t dedicated to political discussion
Which communities are you seeing US politics discussed where it isn’t appropriate?
Mods, please remove this political post. ;)
Most communities don’t enforce the rules they already have.
Amen to that. It takes quite a bit of work to try to curate away all the communities that are explicitly political, and then you need to deal with thinly veiled political soapboxing in AskWhatever, NoStupidQuestions, meme communities, etc too - despite there being communities specifically for political content.
Some of us just want to have a silly laugh without being confronted with the lightspeed decline of humanity every five minutes. Fuck us, right?
I agree so hard with this I want to kiss your face and suck air through your nose to make your sinuses gurgle.
Also, as someone from the US, foreign politics are interesting to me and a nice change of pace from what I normally get
I agree, there are many communities that I think benefit from various types of no-politics rules, many video game subs for instance. At the end of the day its not about the rule, though, it’s about the mods.
I’m on board with this. As an American, I am so sick of US politics. It’s so stressful and difficult to avoid.