Notation without a definition of what notation you’re using is always going to be ambiguous.
If I wrote
6 9 * 6 9 + +
You wouldn’t know what that is, until I told you it was reverse polish notation, then you would know it resolves to 69 and does the same operations as the original equation.
You’re right, nobody defined the base of the numbers either. Come to think of it, what makes you think that those are numbers at all? That’s nothing but a random arrangement of pixels. I mean, who am I to tell you how to interpret the photons reaching your retina? You’re nothing but excitations in the electric fields in my neurons, anyways.
His head hurts because of the unnecessary brackets, right?
Please excuse my dumb ass self.
Notation without a definition of what notation you’re using is always going to be ambiguous.
If I wrote
6 9 * 6 9 + +
You wouldn’t know what that is, until I told you it was reverse polish notation, then you would know it resolves to 69 and does the same operations as the original equation.
You’re right, nobody defined the base of the numbers either. Come to think of it, what makes you think that those are numbers at all? That’s nothing but a random arrangement of pixels. I mean, who am I to tell you how to interpret the photons reaching your retina? You’re nothing but excitations in the electric fields in my neurons, anyways.