Hi all :) It’s a been a while and I’ve been super busy, but here’s another super nice release (thanks for the feedback!), support for xPath2.0/3.0 means you can use logic in your selectors (for example, give the count of the number of divs that contain certain text, and much more). UI improvements, Selectable browser (plug it into Bright Data’s scraping browser!) and more, check it out! Much ❤ from the changedetection team. https://github.com/dgtlmoon/changedetection.io / changedetection.io
Website content monitoring and notification ‘overview’ list of websites being watched
one of the best open source projects out there. check it out if you didn’t yet!
Couldn’t agree more with you. This is one of THE MOST important software to selfhost. Use it daily and would be impossible to keep track without it. It’s just so well done without anything to “complain” about. All important features are there and it just works. :)
Can you give me an example of sites you track? I can think of a couple but not many.
One example I remember… getting an appointment for Global Entry.
If you’re not American, you might not know what that is… but it’s an expedited airport/immigration program in the US and getting an appointment often takes months.
You can use tools like this to monitor the appointments page for cancellations. I didn’t use this specific tool but I used something similar when I signed up for GE and was able to get an appointment 2 weeks after I applied.
Please give us a vote/rating https://alternativeto.net/software/changedetection-io/ it sounds like this software changed your life :)
everything from any online store on which you track sales/stock notifications to linux distros changelogs to 0nlyf@ns sales
How about every site on the internet? just use your imagination…
manual.bubble.io documentation, https://www.canyon.com bikes
https://www.eriksbikeshop.com https://www.onbuy.com/ i mean… just use your
magination job sites https://www.ninefeettall.com/careers/
https://www.network-n.com/careers/ https://www.merityre.co.uk/recruitment
https://www.thriftbooks.com amazon.com ebay , software updates, bestbuy restock alerts, etc etc etc etc
One thing I’d love to see is the ability to download a pdf and send that as the change. More options past that like reading the pdf would be nice but not necessary.
I tried to use playwright to do it, but most of the sites I want to do it with open the pdf in a new tab and right now the playwright instructions can’t handle that.
it supports PDF natively, can you tell me the URL you are trying? it should PDF-to-text already
It’s pretty awesome software. The main use case for me is tracking my home equity from different sites and also checking the status of my qBittorent. I have it integrated with Apprise and Gotify, which then sends alerts to my phone. 10/10 would recommend.
the ‘export data’ part is simple but works great, i’m doing something similar for graphing the number of houses that appear for sale in my area over time (some super interesting stuff over the last year!)
btw, if you can reward us https://alternativeto.net/software/changedetection-io/ pop a review into there, we really want to break 20 reviews/likes :)
I have switch from urlwatch2 to here, however the notification template detail is not as much as urlwatch2, no matter I edit myself
May I have any good to use template?
Btw, check out our tutorials page for some inspiration https://changedetection.io/tutorials
Will definitely check out! Do these also work on self hosted instance?
Is it possible to pull & compare the whole webpage source? Since I’ve found some websites has hidden changes that aren’t made visible, both the basic and playwright fetcher won’t check the underground changes. u/dgtlmoon123
Yes, prefix the url you enter with “source:” so “source:https://google.com”
please give us a vote at https://alternativeto.net/software/changedetection-io/ :)
By far the most valuable thing I host. Thank you!
glad to hear it! if its valuable to you, please drop a review at https://alternativeto.net/software/changedetection-io/ :)
I see this has subscription model? Can someone explain what is not available in self hosted
it’s all exactly the same, except subscription model gives you a few extra built in proxies, otherwise you are totally free to choose :)
This fantastic piece of software got me release date IMAX Oppenheimer tickets! Highly recommend
Wow, such a nice tool. Wonder if it could be used for detecting software releases (such as new versions of container images, opensource projects, etc) or if there’s any other dedicated software for this task.
If you want to track docker images, I just found ”What’s up docker” and am using it as we speak :)
It actually automatically tracked every container on my local docker host by default on install. But you need to configure the notifications and the triggers for more granularity. Very nice!
Awesome tool. I have bought a lot of theater tickets thanks to this. Thank you!!
Can this be used track prices of specific Amazon product pages? I ask because Amazon has sophisticated anti-scraping shit built in.
CamelCamelCamel might be a better option for that specific use case, but for everything else, this tool is amazing. Been using it for years.
Great tool and great update. Must have for self hosted.
Has anyone managed to use this to monitor Facebook groups? Like, with a session cookie
First time heard someone called Reddit “website content monitoring tool” 🤔
What changedetetction.io really does?