meanwhile, the eu: well we can’t jail a company, so fuck you, if you break the gdpr you’re liable for 4% of your yearly revenue (not profit, that can be cheated)
fines do work but only if they’re relative to how much you make
Fines that don’t even scale in lock step with inflation are walls today, but speed bumps tomorrow.
There are two tiers of administrative fines that can be levied as penalties for non-compliance:
- Up to €10 million, or 2% annual global turnover – whichever is higher.
- Up to €20 million, or 4% annual global turnover – whichever is higher.
Worth pointing out this is a photoshop, Weigraf never actually says this. Excellent game nonetheless.
Final Fantasy Tactics is an extremely excellent game. I had it on launch and put 100+ hours into it. 25ish years later it’s still one of my all time favs,
Seconded. I added a PSP emu to my phone just so I could play it all over again. 100s of his doesn’t cut it. 🤣🤘🏼
The entire game story is a reflexion on cast/class in society albeit set in a medieval feudal world where nobles wage a war that brings suffering to the peasents who thus starts a revolution
I once told someone they couldn’t park their Ferrari behind the restaurant I was working in because it was the place where the trucks would unload the food and he would get a fine.
He just replied with “it’s ok, the fine is just what the parking lot is charging me to park there then”. I said I would call the towing company and he said “ok, I’ll just Uber home and pay to get my car back”.
I then thought that I wasn’t paid enough on my job to deal with that shit so I gave up. Honestly, having a lot of money in this world is like cheating.
Yup. Not the first time I’ve heard this. A friend of mine went out with a rich guy a few times, and he’s park anywhere ye wanted. To him, the fine was literally just what it cost to park.
The rich see the world differently than the rest of us. To them, money actually let’s them do what every they want. They understand it as a currency of power, not exchange.
This is the part where you key the biggest penis onto the side of the Ferrari.
We the peasants let them do it, too. It’s maddening how ignorant most people are to their own subjugation, half of the peasants even cheer them on and call their owners/exploiters job creators out of some misplaced “love me senpai” house slave reverence.
My geography teacher had a nice saying:
The Constitution is a contract between civilian and government about their obligations to each other.
Civilian must obey its rules, government on the other hand can choose to not to.
I’d go further and declare that the “social contract” is a mythical story that serves to dominate the masses. The constitution is a body of rules set by a constituent assembly (aka a bunch of elites) which the people have no control over.
Happy cake day!
Thank you for you kind thoughts. Anyhow, I didn’t expect this tradition to persist in lemmy.
Unless the fines were a percentage of your total worth or something?
This can be easily cheated
Almost everything can. The solution is to solve that by clarifying, not giving up in advance.
I love this game but I can’t remember the name of it! Any help?
It’s “Final Fantasy Tactic”. I’m currently playing the android port and played the original PS1 one a lot. It’s in my top 5 favorite game for sure
Don’t be fooled and just get 2 though. While not a bad game 1 is so much better
This means final fantasy tactics itself, right? Final fantasy tactics advance and advance 2 are completely different games that the original. Share the same world according to the lore but the setting is way different.
I don’t think I ever played the advanced ones. Tactics 2 is the one with the book and the kid in detention and the ending is basically it was all dream.
The one with the kid in detention is Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift. It’s the sequel (in gameplay style) to Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, but it was shortened to “A2” because it didn’t actually come out on the GBA.
Well I guess that makes sense as to why the stories seemed so disjointed lol. Thanks for the clarification.
That’s Final Fantasy Tactics Advanc for GBA. It has a sequel too. The original Final Fantasy Tactics didn’t have a proper sequel. It was rereleased for PSP as Final Fantasy Tactics War of the Lions, which optimised some elements and added voiced and animated cut scenes. It removed the incantations for magic though.
EDIT: Detention is probably the A2 as ryven mentioned. Advance started with a snowball fight where one kid was bullied.
Yup. My neighbor’s car is outside right now getting their daily parking ticket. They just pay them because they can afford it.
A BB under the valve stem cap will deflate the tire without causing real damage.
A strike-anywhere match head snapped off between the pin and cuff will do the same, but the key is to do it to all four tires and before they drive somewhere. That way, the four simultaneously flat tires are of particular inconvenience.
“Don’t blame me. Blame yourself or God.”
Holy shit I never expected to see a Final Fantasy Tactics meme. I loved to play this game on my Gameboy Advance SP. I really wish they would bring out a new part for the switch. By the way the OST of this game is bomb.
Y’all ever think about how the later games in this setting (FFTA, FF12, FFXIV) all show Ivalice to be a diverse multi-ethnic society with nu mou and viera? Which means the narrator of FFT, Durai, is some kind of ultraracist who is whitewashing history to the extreme
It is believed that FFT takes place after FFXII and FFTA. The unofficial timeline goes something like this:
oh no
what happened to the viera
Take a guess ☠️
No. You’re just weird and want to be offended by everything.
Or are you being sarcastic? It’s hard to tell nowadays with certain people.