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Came here to say just that. Used to love fast food, sodas and candy in large amounts too. Then went to a conference and watched a video of myself giving a talk there afterwards. I hated looking like that.
Thus begun my journey of weight loss. 45kg later I can genuinely say that while some part of my brain still asks for garbage food, I genuinely enjoy eating healthy. My entire taste palette changed, too - and I can now taste flavors that were unknown to me due to overdependence on salt and sugar.
Daily walk/jog is a highlight of the day, and whenever I feel like eating garbage foods again, I just have to think about how it makes me feel not just after - just an hour, or two or a day later.
Yeah it takes some more selective choices, but you can make some really good delicious and healthy meals. Certain kinds of foods like deep-fried butter sticks are out of the question but I’ve had a huge brick of cheesecake for breakfast everyday this week because I made it healthy. (21gCarb 3g Fat 41g protein)
Took a while but I changed my usual cooking recipes to macro-friendly versions and my family hasn’t minded at all, still tastes great. Trying to eat healthy outside the house is hard as hell though. Restaurants or premade foods rarely offer anything that fits my needs.
Like conceptually the hard part about eating burgers is the high carb buns and the excess fat in the meat. Can just use 93/7 ground beef, there’s only 170cal in a quarter pound, so why not double it? You just need to be much more careful when cooking it because the lower fat gives you less margin for error. Dress it with a spicy jalapeno cream sauce using Greek yogurt instead to bring back some of the moisture but without adding fat. Use something lower carb than potato roll or buttered brioche and you end up with a juicy burger with a lot more meat than what you’ll get from a restaurant and tastes better if you make it for yourself than some overworked line cook who doesn’t have to eat what he’s firing out the kitchen as fast as possible.
Do you have your cheesecake recipe posted anywhere?
Sure, it’s not my recipe, I just followed this guy’s recipe:
I also like Jalalsalamfit on YouTube, he has good stuff too.
Ethan Cheblowski has a great channel, it’s not a health focused cooking channel but he’s an ex-fat person too so he tries to stay cognizant of macros in all the recipes he showcases. Good for learning the systems for cooking healthier. He has a video talking about the systems he applies :
In many cases this is like telling a drug addict to just stop being addicted to drugs.
Yeah, but now I binge on vegetables and have to shit all the time!
I recently added Metamucil and lentils to my diet. I also eat oatmeal every day and, like you, binge veggies. The first week was bad and I did nearly shit myself on a run the other day but things seemed to have calmed down now. I am super gassy all the time though. They stinky.
I’m just hearing a bunch of good reasons to switch to metamucil, lentils, and oatmeal.
Bruh what is that pfp
Squirrel and Hedgehog 😏
Looks like a 2000s flash furry porn
That’s about the animation quality of the cartoon, yeah. DPRK doesn’t have a huge television budget
I genuinely don’t get joy out of a lot of unhealthy foods.
Just get off the car and you will be able to control your weight way easier.
I exercise four times a week, every week. I absolutely hate it and I feel gross and exhausted afterwards. It’s been five years and still do it and hate it. There is nothing fun or happy about exercise.
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Golf is my sport. I’m a military veteran so I’m no stranger to exercise, I just dislike it.
Why not both??
For some people it’s not that easy.
Work out, that way you can still have a burger every once in a while.
What about no workout and lots of cheese burgers?
I see you live your life on fast-forward.
Woah. How’d u get your name to look like that?
Is it a thing?
You can edit your display name on the website and use a fancy text generator to pick a font!
Hot damn! That’s sweet, thanks!
Work out so you could eat whatever you want whenever you want. I consume several muffins (40g) daily, put a shitton of sugar in my tea and coffee. I also happen to love potato chips, which I consume in copious amounts. Still fit as heck.
Well yeah, if you’re burning all the shit you pile up, then it’s not too much of a problem.
“not too much” is carrying some weight here, because there’s more to food than just calories, like sodium and cholesterol.
I would think it’s still not really healthy to load up on sugar even if you burn all those calories off. Overdoing it on sugar has some negative effects over the long haul and you gotta mix in some healthy foods too. I try and keep intake below 40 grams/day. The less the better.
Fitness is temporary, burgers on the other hand, Are extremely temporary. Watch!
I can haz diabetes?
there comes a time, when your body changes from an automatic car, that can shift gear by itself no matter how pounding the road is, to a manual shift gear car, that you have to control yourself. sadly, I’m there, so I took upon myself to take good care of myself for the benefit of my kids, my wife and me. I do cardio every day and I have changed my life for the better. every day is a struggle of will power, but I tell myself that I’m stronger than my weakness. three years and going strong.
I have done the same. Cut sugar drastically, work out almost everyday and try to make myself uncomfortable whilst working out so I am more comfortable under load in the world. Also to prep this olde body for the next decade. Far better overall to start 10-yrs earlier than later.
I have a home gym now, but back when I was trying to solidify my workout habits I had to will myself to workout as I passed the gym on the way home from work. Wanna race home to party? No, go workout. Feeling lackluster? Doesn’t matter, workout. That extra push I gave myself back then worked (and felt great) and now I strive to get that workout in and feel bad if I don’t.
Everything is ok in moderation, if you don’t allow yourself something fatty or sweet every once in awhile, you’ll rebound way easier
Go happy you only live once.
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