Given that Jebora has markdown support, just throwing a few bits in here…
bold and italic
- li item 1
- li item 2
inline code
Code block
// Not trying xss just doing examples
Given that Jebora has markdown support, just throwing a few bits in here…
bold and italic
inline code
Code block
// Not trying xss just doing examples
For anyone interested, here’s the Lemmy markdown configuration. As you can see, Lemmy’s website UI supports the full commonmark spec (tutorial / official spec), plus a bunch of extensions. I don’t think anyone’s fully documented these yet, so I’ll try doing so below. Apologies in advance to mobile users, this is probably gonna get ugly (see included image links for how it should look):
→[email protected] (link ref:/c/
→/m/[email protected]/u/
→ /u/[email protected] (link ref:/u/
(>= 4x)→???!!!!
(>= 4x)→!!!~~example~~
→examplesub (image)example^super^
→examplesuper (image)example[^notename]
→example[1] (image)[^notename]: Note text
→(see bottom of post) (image){example base text|example ruby text}
→example base text (image){凄|すご}い!
→凄い!(image)::: spoiler visible part example hidden part example :::
visible part example
hidden part example

=>Note text ↩︎
Your hyperlink to the Official Spec doesn’t work for me on Vger. It launches my web browser without a URL and hiding down on the link doesn’t reveal its destination.
Nice catch. I messed up the formatting on that link by putting an extra pair of parenthesis in there – fixed now.
Confirmed that link is working now. Thanks for this useful info!
I think this should be put on a page someone on Lemmy. Somewhere that’s easy to find. The tables and stuff too.