Hi all,
I’m using viewtube for 3 days, and I love it.
My next step is migrate all request to that service, I test the video/playlist url os the same, and I use pi-hole as my local dns server.
Is possible to rewrite the domain on pi-hole? like any request to YouTube.com/watch?v=v43DXkj5b0I to mydomain.com/watch?v=v43DXkj5b0I ?
I was reading pi-hole docs and I can’t find anything useful for this feature.
Thank you.
Redirector? https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/redirector/
change to viewtube format
I’ll check that.
Not really, you can use DNS to point YouTube.com to an iP you control, but the problem is that you will get TLS issues. It won’t redirect the hostname, but just the IP address. You could use a custom CA and sign YouTube.com certificates, but you will likely still have problems if you use Chrome because they will be pinning certificates for Google services, and your mobile applications will also pin the certs so your mobile YouTube will stop working completely.
Ok, I see my idea will give me too much trouble.
i have something similar with another service.
- local DNS (dnsmasq) to redirect requests (officialservice.com -> localservice.local)
- localservice.local is my apache proxy setting headers and opening all http requests to replace the links inside the page
quick example
ProxyHTMLEnable on [...] ProxyHTMLURLMap /aaa /bbb/ccc [...] AddOutputFilterByType INFLATE;SUBSTITUTE;DEFLATE application/x-javascript Substitute 's|/service/aaa/|/service/bbb/|nq' Substitute 's|/domain/res/|/anotherdomain/res/|nq'
Don’t forget to Import your own CA into every device or you will get ssl/tls errors. And good luck to import it into devices like a chromecast…
Why not use SNIProxy?
I would set up an Nginx container to forward all request to youtube.com to your ViewTube container. Then in PiHole set the A record for youtube.com to be your Nginx container.
I’m using Vimperator so I made an autocmd to redirect all such content to https://github.com/user234683/youtube-local
If you don’t use Vimperator I recommend checking it or any other tool that allow you to get more control of your browser, especially if, like me, you spend most of your day in it, not on your desktop.
No, pihole won’t help you there because what you want is nothing a DNS can do, you need a proxy server to handle that. How this works depends on the proxy server you are going to use.
… but why don’t you just use vidious and clipious as a client? They even have an Android tv Client. Is there anything that “Viewtube” does better?
Ok, I will look into that also.
Is using viewtube constant fighting with google? It breaks, gets updated and fixed, it breaks again, gets updated and fixed eventually, it breaks…?