I’ve seen pterodactyl recommended so I tried setting it up. But it feels a little bit out of my league, as I’m still pretty new to servers/homelabbing.
The main game I want to host currently is modded Minecraft but I’d like the option of hosting other games in the future. I have proxmox and docker/protainer currently set up
Ive used an loved AMP for years, and never had issues. Trying to find information can be a bit of a pain sometimes because of their forum, but I found it super easy to get set up and working. I have a network of 4 Minecraft servers running behind a Velocity Proxy, as well as a Modded MC server going + 9 other game servers that Ive set up in AMP and rotate through (Factorio, Core Keeper, Valheim, Satisfactory, Project Zomboid, and others)
Try /r/AdminCraft iirc there is some special panel stuff dedicated to Minecraft hosting.
For general gameserver panels, you could also simply use the search in this sub here.
People talk up Pterodactyl like it’s difficult to install, but if you follow the documentation it’s fine if you’ve had any experience with installing Linux programs beyond running a script. You can also find scripts on github that make it a one stop shot or one liner install like most are used to. I have an AMP license, and kind of regret it to be honest. I thought a paid solution may be better, but I was wrong. The UI and navigation in AMP is among the worst software front end navigation I’ve ever seen.
Pterodactyl, complex??? How? It was easier than setting up unifi access point
I originally started with LGSM (Linux Game Server Manager). It is a lot simpler than Pterodactyl however it is CLI only and is missing a lot of the features that Pterodactyl has.
Nowadays I use Pterodactyl and I absolutely love it! Once you get past the installation it is fairly simple to use pre-existing servers and you can set up your own server configs if you want.
Can also be used to host non/game server stuff like discord bots, databases, etc which is very nice.
Techno Tim has a good video on how to set up Pterodactyl using docker-compose: https://technotim.live/posts/pterodactyl-game-server/ 2 VMs (one for the panel, one for the ‘wings’), wildcard ssl, and a reverse proxy. He provides the compose files and the only thing you need to change is the domain and the passwords for the database. Should be doable in about an hour or two while watching/pausing the video.
All suck to setup
I personalky use PufferPanel, after failing to install Pterodyctal for a few days. Can definetly confirm that it’s good and works well.
I would go with Amp. It is good and supports Windows servers (Windows 10, 11, and server) as well. It does have some quirks. The cost is $20 for a lifetime license. The reason for windows is that some dedicated servers do not run on Linux. For example, Space Engineers.
I just use LGSM. I only host servers occasionally, so it does a good job. If I had to constantly start or manage servers I’d probably go with pterodactyl.
If you’re just looking to host minecraft, it’s easy to do using just the docker image and docker compose. Even lots of modded minecraft have docker images you can use
Hi, I have a bedrock server hosted for my son and his friends. I’m with docker, no panel, can’t make Pterodactyl work. I’m also having problems with add-ons/plugins/mods. None seem to work, throws a bunch of Json errors on recipes loads. Any advice?
It’s been few years but anyway.
My first encounter was with Linux Game Server Manager. As you mentioned you are new to servers/homelab you might enjoy it. If you are looking to just host 1 or 2 servers , go with LGSM.
Few years ago(atleat 5 years ago) i was using OGP(Open Game Panel) which was perfect for my requirement back then.
Pterodactyl is very much recommended everywhere although i am yet to try it.
It really depends on what you intend to do with them. New ? Start with LGSM, try to learn what are your requirements and whether LGSM is able to fulfill it. if not then time to learn something new again.
Good luck