Planning on launching an app in around a month. Wanting to get familiar with a process that I have zero understanding of currently.
From what I’ve read, DO will provide a good solid mix of ease of use, scalability, and not being as expensive as AWS/Azure.
It’s a CRUD app that will include essentially no media. I would be very pleased if I ever reached 5k daily users.
I just wanted to make a thread for peace of mind before I jump into anything.
Thank you for any advice.
Wouldn’t we all be very pleased with 5k daily users? Lol
You will be fine. Any VPS/cloud will work for the database don’t forget your backups. In fact, this is where you should invest a bit more and have a managed database solution, so you can scale up if needed, unless you are very savvy with db administration
I was just reading about the managed databases and it seems like a good option! I think I will go that route. This DevOps stuff seems very unintuitive for a first-timer. Although everything I’ve done in this field was unintuitive to start lol.
Sometimes it’s better to pay somebody to solve a problem for you. It’s a bit expensive, but your main DB failing is way more expensive. Once you have 5k daily users, hopefully you will have some revenue to make you worry about other problems.
In general, infra costs are the least of your concerns while growing revenue.
You can also use a company like Hetzner, you could double or even triple your VPS resources for the same price you pay at DO. PM me if you are interested in trading then it is can send you a referral code. I’ve been very happy switching from DO, the max bandwidth allowance is 20TB instead of tierd like DO. I was also only getting about 2Gbps speeds at DO and I haven’t seen less than 7Gbps with Hetzner
DO have more managed services, though. So it’s a balance between convenience and raw price. I’d say that for somebody starting solo, DO (and other PaaS) might be worth the premium
I can agree to that
Have a migration plan for if/when you outgrow.
DO is by far the best when it comes to usability through their website. Linode was also pretty nice but I haven’t used their services as much since they were bought by Akamai.
But the more advanced you get the more you’re going to just be using APIs.
If you want to also up level skills that are going to be immediately marketable AWS is worth the trouble.
Any will be fine though.
I would avoid Digital Ocean and actually use Vultr. Digital Ocean’s support for some things is really bad. We started a new project and made a whole new DO Account. Said project required 6 Object Storage buckets. Well… DO has an invisible limit at like 2 or 3 Object Storage buckets?
There’s no way to bypass it. I contacted Support, Sales, etc. All told me there’s no way around it. Well, surprise surprise, when you sign up for their managed Kubernetes. It actually removes some limits on your account, one of which is the Object Storage limits.
There’s also no error with Object Storage that tells you that you’ve hit the limit. The Web UI just goes HTTP Error, with no feedback to the user. I had to contact support to understand why.
Vultr; I’ve NEVER had a problem like this with them. Ever. If I was a startup, or a company, I’d want to be able to phone the company providing me vital services and be like “Hey, we’re a real entity. We’re paying you, please remove these fraud limits” or support, or help, etc. Then get a real answer. I have NO confidence DO can provide that now.
What? Do has no limits on buckets as you describe that I’m aware of. We have literally dozens of buckets
DO is great. I have moved most of my stuff from AWS to DO. Simple to use and no dodgy billing tactics.