Only ones that deserve any kind of sympathy is the 19 year old son who didn’t wanna go but went anyways for his rich ass dad since it was father’s day and the titanic expert dude that just wanted to explore. The other 3 were rich jackasses who thought they were invincible or some shit.
Probably because its accurate. They “think of the children”, alright. Every. Damn. Night.
And employ people, even children, for the lowest wages possible.
Yes as a long time PC gamer, I don’t understand why people act as if steam and valve are gods. Like ok cool it has the most games and whatever, but they’ve been going downhill. There’s so many random asset flips and porn games now, and their sales have been shit for years now. I remember games going on sale for 90% off during seasonal sales, and all the % off coupons they’d just randomly give out. That never happens now.