some guy… somewhere

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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: May 18th, 2024

  • How the fuck do you think I think Unix is one system? What the living fuck is wrong with you, child? I have been around since AT&T UNIX was a fucking thing, you baby. Infant. Child. Poor little fucking hateful, spiteful, baby who can’t stand using something that is popular and has to cling to something that he thinks earns him some sort of fake nerd cred. Grow the goddamn up.

    When you speak of something in general terms, like “UNIX”, you’re not implying it’s one thing. This is how language works. Which you would have learned if you actually got to high school and passed your fucking English classes.

    You’re just a troll and not worth anyone’s time, and you’re trying to make me into a troll when all I’m doing is telling you the actual history and truth behind operating systems.

    Here’s what you do: you re-read everything I’ve said, and you don’t reply. You take some fucking time to think things over and analyze your life and your pathetic infatuations with things that aren’t “popular” because you feel inferior attaching yourself to something everyone else is doing. Several days.

    Then you come back and you apologize. I will be happy to accept it.

    Otherwise, just shut the fuck up if you’re not willing to do that. I don’t want to hear it.

  • Oh good, now the angry, immature contrarian is accusing me of being a bot.

    You also accusr me of misunderstanding badic shit like how BSD came from UNIX when I never said differently. If you had any reading comprehension, you’d see I said UNIX was still being used at that time OVER *BSD.

    Similar fallacies and bullshit litter the rest of your immature little shit rant.

    I can guarantee I wrote every word of what I say and despise the rise of GenAI and would never use it.

    Can you say the same?

  • Holy fuck, I swear. This is exactly why I tell people that if they think Linux people are delusional, they know absolutely nothing about delusional because they’ve never seen a fucking *BSD luser try to argue his way out of a wet paper bag and fail.

    So the idea that the overwhelming majority of every single place/person/entity that wants a free UNIX-like OS with a choice choosing Linux over *BSD is somehow not valid? Sure, buddy. *BSD had its time to rise up and win over Linux and it did not. It failed because of the reasons I said. It has zero advantages over Linux and so many disadvantages.

    Of course, *BSD came first, but even back then, *BSD wasn’t the primary system, UNIX and other systems like MINIX and the ones you mentioned were so much more popular than *BSD ever was. But when Linux arrived, *BSD began to die out. *BSD was a poor afterthought, even before Linux. There’s a good reason the “*BSD is dying” meme appeared very early in internet culture even back when Slashdot was a huge thing, because it was absolutely based on the reality of the world.

    Don’t make me laugh about *BSD’s “design decisions”, ones that basically create a system that is much more difficult to work with because it has a much more simplistic base than the much more robust Linux ecosystem. The idea of separation of base system and packages has nothing to do with efficiency and more to do with a simple design option, something Linux can also do with atomic distributions, which while not quite equal to what *BSD does but has the same idea of separation of base OS and packages, have their certain advantages but aren’t flexible enough to do more advanced, low-end system work, which gives Linux an advantage by far.

    ESR’s Cathedral and the Bazaar arguments have been repeatedly argued against as a good model for Free software development for a very long time, and Linux wins because of more flexible development done by more people but with a very strong and centralized point of vetting said code for most Linux software, which means it’s not just “thousands of monkey developers” randomly throwing code at Linux. Your use of ESR as an argument against Linux shows how out of time you are with understanding Free software and how it all works to come together to create a great system.

    No one wants to use non-free hardware support, troll.

    If Google, Microsoft, Apple, or Meta were caught using GPL against its license, they’d be sued to oblivion and they know it. That’s why they don’t. If you think GPL is unenforceable, you are a fool. Meanwhile, ALL of those companies are, in fact, using the hell out of *BSD licensed code and you fucking know it. Your garbage development model helps those garbage companies exist.

    Your argument is obsolete, and the clowns are all in the *BSD tent.

    You are an angry little contarian who hates popular, mainstream things and you are trying to justify it with bullshit. Grow up.

  • How much shit are people going to endure before realizing Windows isn’t for them any more?

    Dump the damn thing and use Linux. Yes, Linux is friendly, easy to use, you can play most games, you don’t need your proprietary programs because there are Free alternatives that are just as good that might take you a moment to adjust to (don’t cry about how it’s different, that’s Baby Duck Syndrome), and so on.

    And Microsoft facilitates fascism and government spyware and all sorts of evil crap. So does Apple. And Google. Throw away your phone, use Linux on your PCs, free yourself.

  • Reddit: Let’s act like trash, basically be the reason Trump became president in the first place (in 2016) by letting his toxic subreddit take over /r/all (seriously, the entire /r/all was filled with that one goddamn subreddit full of lies and bullshit), and allow mods to make bots that silence actual discussion on subreddits by silencing any dissent, no matter how rational or well-intentioned, as well as disallow anyone who is new and has no karma to post, thus making any new user unable to post, period.

    Fuck reddit. Fuck reddit up its garbage pile of trash ass.

  • the_doktor@lemmy.ziptoTechnology@lemmy.worldGulf of Make a Report to Apple
    28 days ago


    You wanna stop being an ass while literal fascists are destroying this nation?

    Talk about doing nothing. Your skewed idea is to blame THA LIBURALS for at least trying to fix things while you probably threw your vote away on some shit candidate or by not voting.

    Isn’t it about time to accept that your idealism is fucked right now and what gets us out of this is working together to actually do something other than parade around your idealism while shit burns to the ground?