Oh good, now the angry, immature contrarian is accusing me of being a bot.
You also accusr me of misunderstanding badic shit like how BSD came from UNIX when I never said differently. If you had any reading comprehension, you’d see I said UNIX was still being used at that time OVER *BSD.
Similar fallacies and bullshit litter the rest of your immature little shit rant.
I can guarantee I wrote every word of what I say and despise the rise of GenAI and would never use it.
Can you say the same?
How the fuck do you think I think Unix is one system? What the living fuck is wrong with you, child? I have been around since AT&T UNIX was a fucking thing, you baby. Infant. Child. Poor little fucking hateful, spiteful, baby who can’t stand using something that is popular and has to cling to something that he thinks earns him some sort of fake nerd cred. Grow the goddamn up.
When you speak of something in general terms, like “UNIX”, you’re not implying it’s one thing. This is how language works. Which you would have learned if you actually got to high school and passed your fucking English classes.
You’re just a troll and not worth anyone’s time, and you’re trying to make me into a troll when all I’m doing is telling you the actual history and truth behind operating systems.
Here’s what you do: you re-read everything I’ve said, and you don’t reply. You take some fucking time to think things over and analyze your life and your pathetic infatuations with things that aren’t “popular” because you feel inferior attaching yourself to something everyone else is doing. Several days.
Then you come back and you apologize. I will be happy to accept it.
Otherwise, just shut the fuck up if you’re not willing to do that. I don’t want to hear it.