They should also change their name to ClosedAI while they’re at it.
They should also change their name to ClosedAI while they’re at it.
Agreed, I’m pretty certain some right wingers don’t want random people snooping around their private stuff as well.
And most people are unwilling to fight due to this being covered up, with the likes of save the children, or combating the terrorists.
It’s about sending a message
Initially thought the post was an attempt on a joke. But yes, what would banning prove?
X might be a threat to privacy and freedom but doesn’t Facebook, Microsoft and others do the same. It looks like a poorly developed plan.
What’s interesting, is what will the new kids talk about ‘back in the days’
“Back in my day I got arrested for going outside my doorstep”.
I’m still surprised there are 32 bit apps out there that are supported still. It’s good to know there are people who are working to prevent e-waste.
Also that links2 thing is quite interesting.
‘As children grow up they become more independent’, apparently privacy doesn’t apply in this case. I’m sure some students are annoyed at that fact that people trust them less and less.
All those years, and I still have no explanation why some apps want my browsing history.
Government when the elites use loopholes and do devious shit:
I sleep
Government when the peasants use loopholes:
Straight to jail
“Why do you care if you have nothing to hide?”
Government: hides their plans
The children they deem to protect are trembling in fear right now.
Also torrents can be much faster & secure than direct downloads/mirrors.
They really seem to not care about anything other than the migrants.
Unfortunately still doesn’t explain what to do when you’re covered in piss 😔
But what about the cHilDReN?
A what now? Are they trying to setup a circus.
Some laws have little to no thought put into. This is one of them. Not only is this unnecessary but it would create more technological waste.
Oh naw, it’s the protect the kids shit again.
Printing will never die, there will always be a need to put stuff on paper. What needs to die is the shady practices like this.
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