With good content? That’s a hard find :)
Plenty without NSFW though
I frequent https://v.basspistol.org/ but they’re mostly music
do keep in mind you can also use their filters
like these on https://vid.freedif.org/
With good content? That’s a hard find :)
Plenty without NSFW though
I frequent https://v.basspistol.org/ but they’re mostly music
do keep in mind you can also use their filters
like these on https://vid.freedif.org/
Discovery is a major hurdle. There are plenty of instances that don’t have NSFW you should poke around to find something suitable.
Mainly storage. The only reason these free hosted sites can stand up is because they have low traffic. If 0.01% of YouTubers started dumping all their video over there, they’d quickly run the free services out of town.
Realistically, If it were easy enough for everyone to host locally (torrent style) and people paired up with hosting partners for backups, peertube could be an amazing Youtube alternative.
Paying for bandwidth and cloud storage rates for video hosting is pretty much worst case. I’d argue that if you were going to self host anything video would be the most important
Peertube is f****** amazing, But your average windows user isn’t going to be able to manage the hosting. And your average ISP blocks standard hosting ports. Then it also requires the users to manage their own monetization.
It’s not undoable but it is kind of a steep slope.
There are bits and pieces of the design that aren’t incredibly offensive. But all put together, it just looks like a mess of a hulk.
The back end screams of 90’s luxor. I was going to say that the hidden door handles are complexity for no advantage, but nearly every component reeks of that. It has one of the largest windshields in existence, yet, you still can’t see out of it well.
Unless they’re all detailed regularly, they look like they’re dirty.
It’s like someone looked at a delorian, then threw away everything they saw and tried to make a truck from a 6yo’s drawing paper.
For years they’ve managed to keep their indexing (think html, not torrent) online by separating out the indexing from the actual storage. They’ve only changed URLs once in recent memory. Throughout the years they’ve stored content in various places. Protected safe havens, compromised websites, and ipfs.
There are still a lot of places in the world where hosting a link to data is not illegal.
Well through whatever methods required it looks like the publishers finally managed to shut down the search/hosting on wherever .is was pointing to.
There is a static IPFS index laying around somewhere so technically the content’s still quite available. Along with Torrents.
Well they finally managed to bring it back up somewhere and I don’t even care to go and figure out where that is. Just glad they’re still around.
Inside the nominal return period for a device absolutely.
If it’s a warranty repair I’ll wait for an actual trend, maybe run a burn-in on it and force its hand.
They’re red flag, but even if their stayed purpose is correct at the moment, it sets the stage. All it takes now is a want to sell the data and there’s nothing to slow them down or tell us. Nothing to make them keep the setting to not share telemetry. A little baked in ai, some hooks to monitor …
Jumping ship to a fork is our only recourse. It’s that or ride it out and see if the gun is loaded.
I do have some concerns about polarizing the light. If I can get a hold of some cheap filter material I might be inclined to do some tests. Maybe I can rescue the polarizer out of an old LCD TV.
Polarizing’s not completely magic, It does seriously reduce the amount of light coming in. There’s just usually enough light around that it doesn’t affect us, our pupils dilate a fraction of a fraction and it’s no big deal.
But at night when there’s already relatively little light out, It does reduce the overall light amount.
I’m also concerned that any light that bounces off something but maintains the polarization will be blocked, so there will be a higher chance of you not being able to see some percentage of your own headlight illumination, I would think that the average diffraction off everything in front of you would thoroughly destroy the coalescence of polarization but I don’t really know for sure, it’s possible that would make your own headlights less effective to you.
I suspect if we were thinking about this in the '50s if it were viable somebody would have pulled it off by now. But we only have had windshield sized polarizers in TVs for maybe a decades so maybe?
But check the date this is a very old idea. Would probably make a very interesting YouTube video or two
And we drive all LED elements at 100% of their rated value, no matter what. there used to be a Youtuber that rewired electronic things and dimmed all the lights as he was going through them, it’s been ages since I’ve see him tho.
YT-dlp is about an inch away from being wiped out by them. All you need is the gaze of sauron. Forced logon and remove cookies in lieu of browser storage would set us back ages.
At some point they’re just going to embed the commercials in the video stream or worse yet picture in picture them like broadcast TV did.
I was about to say look at the difference in calories per ounce.
Sure it’s E2EE, it’s encrypted with your key and the company’s key and the government’s key… SAAAFE …
Ooh, of all the possibilities I didn’t have that one on my bingo sheet. I guess we’ll be Torrenting YouTubers sooner than later.
Yeah, totally. All of fast food is in this downward spiral of giving you less charging more.
Looking at the menu back in 1980, you could get a meal for four for about $10.
That same meal today is just shy of $40
Unfortunately, inflation from 1980 is about 3x.
So they’re about 25% more expensive than they used to be. But the mean salary per household is certainly nowhere near 3x.
The cost of housing and everything else is way above 3x.
Economically as a society we’re in pretty bad shape, we’re scraping that lower limit of infeasibility.
They don’t, but how long do you think a free instance is going to last when it starts seeing serious volume. Video storage in the cloud is expensive AF.