And he wonders why NASA turned him down for bringing those astronauts back…
And he wonders why NASA turned him down for bringing those astronauts back…
I’m sure he already calls his lawyers every day at 3 AM while half blitzed on K to pitch exactly that
On top of that, even the server setup they talked about wouldn’t actually cost that much energy to run, because that’s not all that will be running on it. That physical host will likely have dozens or even hundreds of servers running on it, and the small menu serving webserver will account for hardly any of the power draw from the hosts.
Oh, and I almost forgot: the company is going to have a website anyway, what company today serving the public doesn’t? Adding a page or two isn’t going to raise the power consumption in any measurable way if at all.
And, unlike their other picks, he actually has relevant experience
Was going to say, it’s West if you go far enough
Yeah, those VIPs are not anywhere near the target or have anywhere near the security detail as a sitting president
They throw out the spoons, the workers will have to turn to knives
Really expensive ones I guess
Probably because of the logistical nightmare for both the Superbowl organizers and the secret service, just doesn’t seem remotely worth the sheer cost and risk involved
I hope that every underpaid person they rely on for day to day things refuses to do anything for them, forever
I’m sorry, does a “Fox host” do more than just sit around shit talking and making shit up all day? Maybe they should “get a real job”
Anymore, I wouldn’t have that much confidence in something not passing no matter how batshit it is
He’s clearly not paying enough then
ESPECIALLY red ones.
They go faster.
How about the submarine he was going to build to save kids in a cave that obviously would have drowned long before he could have even really started work? But it’s okay, he could just accuse the guy who actually saved their lives of being a pedo
Sounds like they were right
Zen browser is pretty interesting too
See also:
Any recommendations on how to get started with that? I’ve been using it but without digging through a frankly intimidating list of configuration options, I’m not feeling like it’s really adding much value yet
And he actually likes Tesla