Why is this posted as humor? Seriously, this is how anyone actually seeking a job should directly translate those phrases.
I want the Palm Pre form factor back. Sooo satisfying to slide that thing open or snapping it closed.
Keyboard was ok but not as good as the BB, IMO.
And a copy of “The Art of the Deal” alongside an illustrated translation of “Mein Kempf”.
This. Waiting to see what happened. There are no good guys in the story but I would bet it is more complex and fucked up than we’re guessing.
I love this platform. Reasonable conversations with reasonable people. You’ve given me hope, internet stranger. Keep being awesome.
That only goes so far… Being a part of ending democracy and the future for everyone including his own descendants doesn’t get a pass just because he raised a kid.
As for the tone, I would guess OP knows their father better than any of us. I certainly wouldn’t speak to my own father like that but maybe that’s their usual style of banter.
If my own child talked to me like that we’d be done texting and the next conversation would be face to face. Very face to face. But, I hope I’d have the self awareness to at least consider they might have a point.
This so much. If you can’t articulate it I’m going to make sure it stays your problem, not mine.
Thank you for this delicious recipe! My great aunt used to make this all the time for our ritual house painting and it always brought joy to the children. Try adding cinnamon or thumbtacks to the pie for extra zing! God bless!!
Aside from coding assistants, the other use case I’ve come across recently is sentiment analysis of large datasets from free text survey responses. Just started exploring it so not sure how well it works yet, but the ridiculous amount of bias I see introduced in manual reviews is just awful. A machine can potentially be less inclined to try fitting summaries to the VP’s presupposed opinion than some lackie interns or self serving consultancy.
How dare you besmirch the good name of zip disks! There was a good 18 month period in the nineties where they filled a valid use case in the gap between floppy disks and the widespread instantiation of WAN solutions for moving and storing data.
You are my spirit animal.
Pretty obscure term. Don’t beat yourself up.
When I first read your comment about this scheme keeping money from artists I was skeptical. But, yup! It is right there on Spotify’s website:
We distribute the net revenue from Premium subscription fees and ads to rightsholders.
Now, granted a bunch of those “rightsholders” are likely big corporate record labels but your point stands. The little guy is getting screwed, too.
Though, adding to your final thought, I bet if it was only the little guy getting screwed and not the corpos I bet DOJ wouldn’t have cared.
I’ve always wanted to contribute to an open source project but by the time I get done with the grind of the work day I don’t have the mental energy to effectively work a second job competently.
See: Rufus, Amazon’s chatbot. I’ve never seen a more useless application of electrons. If it isn’t already in the description then it can’t help you.
If it is already in the description I don’t need your shitty chatbot, Jeffrey.
My guess is you’re one of the 10% or so who didn’t give up in frustration. My % assumption might be off, but assuming any percentage of people gave up and walked away without costing Amazon a dime the system was working perfectly.
I find this a fascinating phenomenon. Some of it is ignorance of the technology. Which I get because you can’t expect everyone to be experts (but if you don’t know the difference between a browser and your desktop just fuck off back to the bronze age).
The other is a true lack of empathy in the context of communication. Being able to communicate effectively with an equal onus on both parties to understand and adapt the dialog until the information has effectively been transferred is not hard, really, but some people just don’t care enough about the person on the other end of the line to be bothered.
That is infuriating when you’re trying to be helpful.
Voting is over. There will not be another fair election in the US until the guillotines fall.