Wanna see how you git clone and compile it on ios
Wanna see how you git clone and compile it on ios
Try compressing it or use an another format
I think making it source-aviable and distributing it for a request after a verification would be the best for very powerful and dangerous software. GPL is also a good license, but if you upload it to a git site, every script kiddie will install it and use it for their funny business
more Blink-based browsers could have been included, there are some even there that are pretty good in privacy and security: top pick is Cromite (can be ran as portable, no install required, inbuilt adblocker based on editable blocklists, very agressive on tls certificate validation (more than anything, including librewolf), native userscript support, datetime and viewport size randomization on each website (i don’t know any other browser that can do this), changing http referrer policy and more). Other recommendation ks Thorium (it is made by furries, has some google stuff in it, but it is open-source and constantly updated, though not as fast as cromite, that updates weekly),and Iridium, Falkon
no such thing. just go for the cheapest. buy an rfid case when you are not using wireless networks, to avoid triangulation. Or buy a Fairphone/Librem 5/Shift6mq/PinePhone, those have hardware buttons to disable data receivers, but they cost a lot more than any other smartphone, but shouldn’t be a problem if you can afford Samsung or Apple
neither of them are aviable for android
If it is hard, it is usually unnecessary. Unless it is a critical software (like a firmware update), or you suspect that somebody manipilates your traffic (which is highly unlikely on https sites)
You need to use or spoof a browser that is used by a lot of people, and have a screen resolution (or spoof) that is common (like 1920x1080), and set the browser to only use basic fonts like times new roman, consolas. Avoid sites that use canvas, or install a canvas blocker, which basically ignores this html element when loading the page. Mitigating fingerprinting is about blending in
Cromite. it is a very good and private, easy to use browser, but can be heavy on resources https://github.com/uazo/cromite. It uses Chromium engine. There are browsers like Ladybug and there is also an another project that use their own web engine, but anything that doesn’t use the engines you mentoioned, is impossible to daily drive, most of them doesn’t evem support javascript, or any script execution, which means you can only browse the most basic blogs, and forget about shopping, social media, and even forums
is [email protected] legit? i got an email like that
proton works, idc what one of the 5 owners say, it is impossible to avoid that type of people
NO. use searxng (https://searx.be/ and https://priv.au/ )
either pi-hole or or a filtering dnscrypt server
like blahdns-de, odoh-koki-noads-ams
vscodium. Easy to use for beginners (i’m a beginner too), fully open-source, all microsoft tracking binaries removed. Aviable for Windows, Linux, macOS, darwin, propably bsd, or even as a webview, and supports a lot of architectures. Great for intrepeted languages, but supports compiled ones too
if possible, do not make it aviable on the public internet and don’t let search engines access it
they should compile for more devices instead
for me migrating isn’t so easy. ppl will be mad at me, they are mad already why i left gmail they can’t reach me
I use Ecosia and Duckduckgo. Searxng only if i need all possible results, since this is much slower than the other two