Homo Homini Lupus Est

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 1st, 2023


  • Thanks man, your kind words are appreciated. Yet, in the end…who cares? People are still flooding the association with donations and work-force. If i left or not didn’t change anything at all. I couldn’t even leave a nasty virus this time as any damage would’ve just been taken out of the 5%. It’d be great if everyone (or at least >50%?) would never work in such a company/assoc. But a single entity? Futile.

    Also I must add, that I could’ve easily done it. First I didn’t even need to work, i just wanted to. And second, here you’re not screwed if you loose your job. So a regular US-American would’ve probably made another choice here. By force. The system sucks and it heavily rewards the dark trinity of psychological disorders. In fact, they’re often a requirement.

    But thanks man, either way. Guess how many understood why i left? exactly ,-)

  • You’re absolutely totally right. Would I still work, I’d be ashamed if I had to say “I work at google”. Since they removed “don’t be evil” as their motto, that is.

    But you also explained it…we all get brainwashed. From indoctrination to outright brainwashing. Daily, every where. And if you dare to question something, you’re suddenly alone. One sane in a herd of insane? Must be me,they can’t ALL be wrong,right?..RIGHT?

    Tiny story: when I still worked, one job was at a very highly deemed top association that stood for curing cancer. Or helping people with it, or doing studies, paying studies, you name it. Sounded awesome. I was admin and had access to everything. I quit 6 months later, I couldn’t take it anymore.

    -a whole floor with lawyers to legally fuck people out of their money and to fend of incoming.

    -another floor full of marketing people who did nothing else than quench old (or dying of cancer) people for their inheritance.

    -the cellar was full of hundreds of millions worth of inherited stuff, paintings and shit.

    -the bosses drove 250k cars, flew multiple times a month to “meetings” (which meant at least 1000 each for food alone, coz it had to be fancy).

    -oh right the building was just recently bought, because it was soooo fancy and in front of a large river here (in our small country it’s like US’s central park). It was an 8 figure move. Totally unneeded.

    And the yearly spending for curing cancer? 5%. Still a large sum, but it was just an alibi for everything else. And it was probably THE most reputable association here. Last day I ever donated anything. I understand that overhead is needed. But it should be, by definition, kept to a minimum.i wanted to work there for the cause, not to get moneyz.

  • Make all my tools again? I mean I have all the time in the world to pursue my hobbies but that’d be a good dent in time :-) With games it’s also about MODS. Even if the game might run, the mods mostly won’t. And I prefer mod-able games. Didn’t say it was Linux’ fault. It sure ain’t. Ok the shortcuts aren’t really an issue, that’s right.

    And it’s not that I don’t KNOW Linux(es) and its benefits. As said, I am running numerous linux-machines. But just no UI. MS anti-consumer practices mostly don’t phase me either. The corporate versions of everything are way less hostile, pihole+firewall+strongly restrictive group-policies do the rest.

    Linux would be greatest as the cost of one MS-Server-license alone could be a whole Xeon-Proxmox-machine running 50 linux-machines :)

    No arguing with you. If I’d be just a reddit-surfing user that occasionally games a thing and does some office-stuff, there would be no reason at all for MS. I probably wouldn’t even notice the difference. But I would not even get drivers AND the controller-app for my Soundcard (creative x7 LE), and this one is VITAL. It’s not about putting time and effort into it, it’s just too many problems with no solutions for having not a tremendously great reward in the end. I would just tinker different things so that the shit does work.

  • I’m having ca 20 servers at home and the majority of those are linux. I love it. My main rig is still windows and will probably stay that way unless win12 won’t finally cure what pisses me off so damn much with 11. They won’t, obviously. But migration would be very hard. Most of my tools won’t run, most of my self made tools won’t run, most of my games won’t run, most 4 decades of internalization of shortcuts won’t cut it short anymore. And I won’t even start with the domain migration horrors as this one’s still MS. I would end up dual booting for eternity until I stop booting up one of the two.

    So…my point is. I use the right tool for the right job.

  • First off, I’m no murican, I just feel pity for them.l and cheered for Luigi. I am actually enjoying the best of healthcare for free.

    I am also surprised it took that long, but still. I’m pretty sure it won’t happen again. And he will be put away for long and most likely not survive it. As to the why…it’s one thing to be a poor whacko with access to guns. It’s another thing to actually get mentally all the way to being at peace with ending your life basically, plan ahead and then even have the balls to actually pull the trigger. And even if, where are those people. You need to study their routine to find a good place to do it.

    That’s probably why it’s so rare. The though-process to even get this far, the ethics to support it AND then the ability to act upon it.

    Millions are pissed, but way too few fulfil the “requirements”. Probably even less after the example they might make of him.

  • Besides it being around since forever and predecessing all forums and reddit etc.

    It’s main selling points for pir8s are:

    • max speed (depending on your uplink and your provider ofc. E.g. I get a solid 120mb/s)
    • up to maaany years retention (how old the stuff you want could be. Depends on provider ofc. Currently 11yrs from the top of my head)
    • no need to upload or be member of trackers to get the GOOD stuff. It’s all the same to everyone.
    • it’s still not really mainstream (luckily) and hence less dmcas

    Downsides compared to torrents?

    • in theory torrents can be as old as torrent itself. In reality torrents die quickly.
    • no social component like if you’re really engaged in some private tracker
    • to have it efficiently you’d either one or more indexers (like search-engines). There are free ones but they suck. And/or forums. As much stuff is encrypted/obfuscated for obvious reasons.

    Overall I’m a cheapskate and pay like 2€/month for unlimited usenet with maximum retention and 50 connection on the best backbone plus 2x 10-12€ a year for indexers. But one totally would be sufficient.

    In the end, we enter a movie/series-name, pick the right one from the results, wait a bit for the download and sorting to happen, then watch it in emby comfortably. The comfortable kind of piracy i dreamt of for nearly 3 decades 😊